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Hypergraph is a data structure library to generate directed hypergraphs.

A hypergraph is a generalization of a graph in which a hyperedge can join any number of vertices.

📣 Goal

This library aims at providing the necessary methods for modeling complex, multiway (non-pairwise) relational data found in complex networks. One of the main advantages of using a hypergraph model over a graph one is to provide a more flexible and natural framework to represent entities and their relationships (e.g. Alice uses some social network, shares some data to Bob, who shares it to Carol, etc).

🎁 Features

This library enables you to represent:

⚗️ Implementation

🛠️ Installation

Add this to your Cargo.toml (replace current_version with the latest version of the library):

hypergraph = "curent_version"

⚡️ Usage

Please read the documentation to get started.