


Swift 5.0 Carthage compatible Version License Platform

Simple XML Parser implemented in Swift

What's this?

This is a XML parser inspired by SwiftyJSON and SWXMLHash.

NSXMLParser in Foundation framework is a kind of "SAX" parser. It has enough performance but is a little inconvenient. So we have implemented "DOM" parser wrapping it.





1. create Cartfile

github "https://github.com/yahoojapan/SwiftyXMLParser"

2. install

> carthage update


1. create Podfile

platform :ios, '9.0'

pod "SwiftyXMLParser", :git => 'https://github.com/yahoojapan/SwiftyXMLParser.git'

2. install

> pod install


import SwiftyXMLParser

let str = """
        <Hit index=\"1\">
        <Hit index=\"2\">

// parse xml document
let xml = try! XML.parse(str)

// access xml element
let accessor = xml["ResultSet"]

// access XML Text

if let text = xml["ResultSet", "Result", "Hit", 0, "Name"].text {

if let text = xml.ResultSet.Result.Hit[0].Name.text {

// access XML Attribute
if let index = xml["ResultSet", "Result", "Hit", 0].attributes["index"] {

// enumerate child Elements in the parent Element
for hit in xml["ResultSet", "Result", "Hit"] {

// check if the XML path is wrong
if case .failure(let error) =  xml["ResultSet", "Result", "TypoKey"] {


1. Parse XML

let str = """
        <Hit index=\"1\">
        <Hit index=\"2\">

xml = try! XML.parse(str) // -> XML.Accessor
let str = """
        <Hit index=\"1\">
        <Hit index=\"2\">

let string = String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self)

xml = XML.parse(data) // -> XML.Accessor
let srt = "<xmlopening>@ß123\u{1c}</xmlopening>"

let xml = XML.parse(str.data(using: .utf8))

if case .failure(XMLError.interruptedParseError) = xml {
  print("invalid character")

For more, see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/xmlparser/errorcode

2. Access child Elements

let element = xml.ResultSet // -> XML.Accessor

3. Access grandchild Elements

let element = xml["ResultSet"]["Result"] // -> <Result><Hit index=\"1\"><Name>Item1</Name></Hit><Hit index=\"2\"><Name>Item2</Name></Hit></Result>
let path = ["ResultSet", "Result"]
let element = xml[path] // -> <Result><Hit index=\"1\"><Name>Item1</Name></Hit><Hit index=\"2\"><Name>Item2</Name></Hit></Result>
let element = xml["ResultSet", "Result"] // -> <Result><Hit index=\"1\"><Name>Item1</Name></Hit><Hit index=\"2\"><Name>Item2</Name></Hit></Result>
let element = xml.ResultSet.Result // -> <Result><Hit index=\"1\"><Name>Item1</Name></Hit><Hit index=\"2\"><Name>Item2</Name></Hit></Result>

4. Access specific grandchild Element

let element = xml.ResultSet.Result.Hit[1] // -> <Hit index=\"2\"><Name>Item2</Name></Hit>

5. Access attribute in Element

if let attributeValue = xml.ResultSet.Result.Hit[1].attributes?["index"] {
  print(attributeValue) // -> 2

6. Access text in Element

if let text = xml.ResultSet.Result.Hit[1].Name.text {
    print(text) // -> Item2
struct Entity {
  var name = ""
let entity = Entity()
entity.name ?= xml.ResultSet.Result.Hit[1].Name.text // assign if it has text
struct Entity {
  var name: Int = 0
let entity = Entity()
entity.name ?= xml.ResultSet.Result.Hit[1].Name.int // assign if it has Int

and there are other syntax sugers, bool, url and double.

struct Entity {
  var names = [String]()
let entity = Entity()
entity.names ?<< xml.ResultSet.Result.Hit[1].Name.text // assign if it has text

7. Access CDATA

let str = """
<Data name="DATE">

// parse xml document
let xml = try! XML.parse(str)
if let cdata = xml.Data.value.element?.CDATA, 
   let cdataStr = String(data: cdata, encoding: .utf8) {
   print(cdataStr) // -> "2018-07-08"

7. Count child Elements

let numberOfHits = xml.ResultSet.Result.Hit.all?.count 

8. Check error

print(xml.ResultSet.Result.TypoKey) // -> "TypoKey not found."

9. Access as SequenceType

for element in xml.ResultSet.Result.Hit {
xml.ResultSet.Result.Hit.map { $0.Name.text }

10. Generate XML document


Work with Alamofire

SwiftyXMLParser goes well with Alamofire. You can parse the response easily.

import Alamofire
import SwiftyXMLParser

Alamofire.request(.GET, "https://itunes.apple.com/us/rss/topgrossingapplications/limit=10/xml")
         .responseData { response in
            if let data = response.data {
                let xml = XML.parse(data)
                print(xml.feed.entry[0].title.text) // outputs the top title of iTunes app raning.

In addition, there is the extension of Alamofire to combine with SwiftyXMLParser.

Migration Guide

Current master branch is supporting Xcode10. If you wanna use this library with legacy swift version, read release notes and install the last compatible version.


This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.