


JavaScript-based PNG image encoder, decoder, and manipulator

Build Status Coveralls Coverage Code Climate Grade

NPM version NPM License


Coverage Report API Documentation

Gitter Support

Table of Contents


Install this module with the following command:

npm install pngjs-image

Add the module to your package.json dependencies:

npm install --save pngjs-image

Add the module to your package.json dev-dependencies:

npm install --save-dev pngjs-image

Require the module in your source-code:

var PNGImage = require('pngjs-image');


Example: Creating a new image

var image = PNGImage.createImage(100, 300);

// Get width and height

// Set a pixel at (20, 30) with red, having an alpha value of 100 (half-transparent)
image.setAt(20, 30, { red:255, green:0, blue:0, alpha:100 });

// Get index of coordinate in the image buffer
var index = image.getIndex(20, 30);

// Print the red color value

// Get low level image object with buffer from the 'pngjs' package
var pngjs = image.getImage();

image.writeImage('path/to/file', function (err) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log('Written to the file');

Example: Loading an image

PNGImage.readImage('path/to/file', function (err, image) {
    if (err) throw err;

    // Get width and height

    // Set a pixel at (20, 30) with red, having an alpha value of 100 (half-transparent)
    image.setAt(20, 30, { red:255, green:0, blue:0, alpha:100 });

Example: Loading an image from an url

PNGImage.readImage('https://s.yimg.com/rz/l/yahoo_en-US_f_p_142x37_2x.png', function (err, image) {
    if (err) throw err;

    // The image is in the 'image' variable if everything went well



####Pixel manipulation

####Pixel conversion

###Filters Following filters can be applied to an image:


Generate the documentation with following command:

npm run docs

The documentation will be generated in the docs folder of the module root.


Run the tests with the following command:

npm run test

The code-coverage will be written to the coverage folder in the module root.

##Third-party libraries

The following third-party libraries are used by this module:




The MIT License

Copyright 2014-2015 Yahoo Inc.