

Breathing Life Into Sketches Using Text-to-Video Priors

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<!-- Official implementation. --> <br> <p align="center"> <img src="repo_images/teaser.jpg" width="90%"/>

<a href="https://livesketch.github.io/">Breathing Life Into Sketches Using Text-to-Video Priors</a>

<a href="https://rinongal.github.io/">Rinon Gal</a>, <a href="https://yael-vinker.github.io/website/">Yael Vinker</a>, <a href="https://yuval-alaluf.github.io/">Yuval Alaluf</a>, <a href="https://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~amberman/">Amit Bermano</a>, <a href="https://danielcohenor.com/">Daniel Cohen-Or</a>, <a href="https://faculty.runi.ac.il/arik/site/index.asp">Ariel Shamir</a> <a href="https://chechiklab.biu.ac.il/~gal/">Gal Chechik</a>

<br> Given a still sketch in vector format and a text prompt describing a desired action, our method automatically animates the drawing with respect to the prompt


git clone https://github.com/yael-vinker/live_sketch.git
cd live_sketch


To set up our environment, please run:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Next, you need to install diffvg:

git clone https://github.com/BachiLi/diffvg.git
cd diffvg
git submodule update --init --recursive
python setup.py install

Input Sketch :writing_hand:

The input sketches should be provided in SVG format, and follow the recommended settings as described in the paper.<br> You can generate your sketches with automatic tools or manually, as long as they follow the required format and can be processed with diffvg. <br> Most of our sketches were generated using CLIPasso, which is an image-to-sketch method that produces sketches in vector format.

<p align="left"> <img src="repo_images/clipassoexample.png" width="40%"/> </p>

If you don't have your sketch already, you can generate a sketch using CLIPasso, by providing it an image, or even using existing text-to-image tools to generate an image, and then feed it to CLIPasso.<br><br> To better adjust the input sketch to our reccomended settings, we provide a preprocessing script. To use it run:

python preprocess_sketch.py --target <path_to_SVG>

Your new sketch will be saved to "svg_input/<filename>_scaled".<br> Please make sure to open this file locally to verify you are satisfied with the changes.

Recommended sketch format:

Other Sketch Resources<br> Alternative tools for automatic sketch generation: CLIPascene, DiffSketcher, VectorFusion.<br> Sketches from sketch Datasets: TU-Berlin, Creative Sketch, Rough Sketch Benchmark

Example Sketches and Videos<br> We have provided many example sketches in SVG format under "svg_input/".

Generate a Video! :woman_artist: :art:

To animate your sketch, run the following command:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python animate_svg.py \
        --target "svg_input/<SVG_file_name>" \
        --caption <your_caption> \
        --output_folder <output_folder_name> \

For example:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python animate_svg.py \
        --target "svg_input/surfer0_scaled1" \
        --caption "A surfer riding and maneuvering on waves on a surfboard." \
        --output_folder surfer0_scaled1 \

The output video will be saved to "output_videos/<output_folder_name>". <br> The output includes the network's weights, SVG frame logs and their rendered .mp4 files (under svg_logs and mp4_logs respectively). At the end of training, we also output a high quality gif render of the last iteration (HG_gif.gif). <br>

You can use these additional arguments to modify the default settings:

We provide an example run script in scripts/run_example.sh.


If your sketch changes too significantly, try setting a lower --lr_local.

If you want more global movement, try increasing --translation_weight.

Small visual artifacts can often be fixed by changing the --seed.


If you find this useful for your research, please cite the following:

    title={Breathing Life Into Sketches Using Text-to-Video Priors}, 
    author={Rinon Gal and Yael Vinker and Yuval Alaluf and Amit H. Bermano and Daniel Cohen-Or and Ariel Shamir and Gal Chechik},