

When will you do what? - Anticipating Temporal Occurrences of Activities

This repository provides a TensorFlow implementation of the paper When will you do what? - Anticipating Temporal Occurrences of Activities.

Qualitative Results:

Click on the image.

<div align="center"> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMNYRcVH_oI"><img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/xMNYRcVH_oI/0.jpg" alt="IMAGE ALT TEXT"></a> </div>




Run python eval.py --obs_perc=OBS-PERC --recog_dir=RESULTS-DIR. Where RESULTS-DIR contains the output predictions for a specific observation and prediction percentage, and OBS-PERC is the corresponding observation percentage. For example python eval.py --obs_perc=.3 --recog_dir=./save_dir/results/rnn/obs0.3-pred0.5 will evaluate the output corresponding to 0.3 observation and 0.5 prediction.


If you use the code, please cite

Y. Abu Farha, A. Richard, J. Gall:
When will you do what? - Anticipating Temporal Occurrences of Activities
in IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018

To download the used features please visit: An end-to-end generative framework for video segmentation and recognition.