

title: 'pydoxtools (Python Library)' library name: pydoxtools keywords: [ pydoxtools, AI, AI-Composition, ETL, pipelines, knowledge graphs ]

🎩✨📄 pydoxtools (Python Library) 🎩✨📄

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Pydoxtools is a library that provides a sophisticated interface for reading and writing documents, designed to work with AI models such as GPT, LLama2, and a variety of models on Huggingface. It offers functionalities such as:b

The library allows for the creation of complex extraction pipelines for batch-processing of documents by defining them as a lazily-executed graph.


Installing from GitHub

While pydoxtools can already be installed through pip, due to the many updates coming in right now, it is currently recommended to use the latest version from GitHub as follows:

pip install -U "pydoxtools[etl,inference] @ git+https://github.com/xyntopia/pydoxtools.git"

Installing from PyPI

Pydoxtools can also be installed through pip, which will become the recommended method once it becomes more stable:

pip install -U pydoxtools[etl,inference]

For loading additional file formats (docx, odt, epub), OCR and other options, check out the additional > Installation Options <.

🚀 Teaser 🚀

Experience a new level of convenience and efficiency in handling documents with Pydoxtools, and reimagine your data extraction pipelines!

In this teaser, we'll demonstrate how to create a document, extract tables, and ask questions using AI models:

import pydoxtools as pdx

# Create a document from various sources: file, string, bytestring, file-like object, or URL
doc = pdx.Document("https://www.raspberrypi.org/app/uploads/2012/12/quick-start-guide-v1.1.pdf")

# List available extraction functions

# get all tables from a single document:

# Extract the first 20 tables that we can find in a directory (this might take a while,
# make sure, to only choose a small directory for testing purposes)
docs = pdx.DocumentBag("./my_directory_with_documents", forgiving_extracts=True)
print(docs.bag_apply(["tables_df", "filename"]).take(20))

# Ask a question about the documents using a local Q&A model
print(doc.answers(["how much ram does it have?"]))
# Or only ask about the documents tables (or any other extracted information):
print(doc.answers(["how much ram does it have?"], "tables"))

# To use ChatGPT for question-answering, set the API key as an environment variable:
# OPENAI_API_KEY="sk ...."
# Then, ask questions about the document using ChatGPT
print(doc.chat_answers(["What is the target group of this document?"])[0].content)
print(doc.chat_answers(["Answer if a 5-year old would be able to follow these instructions?"])[0].content)

With Pydoxtools, you can easily access and process your documents, perform various extractions, and utilize AI models for more advanced analysis.

Supported File Formats

Pydoxtools already supports loading from a large variety of different sources:

Some Features in More Detail

Large Pipelines

Pydoxtools' main feature is the ability to mix LLMs and other AI models in large, composable, and customizable pipelines. Using pipelines comes with the slight disadvantage that it can be more challenging to add type hints to the code. However, using pipelines decouples all parts of your code, allowing all operators to work independently. This makes it easy to run the pipeline in a distributed setting for big data and enables easy, lazy evaluation. Additionally, mixing different LLM logics together becomes much easier.

Check out how Pydoxtools' Document class mixes pipelines for each individual file type:

As an example, consider this pipeline for *.png images from the repository, which includes OCR, keyword extraction, vectorization, and more:

png pipeline

Pipelines can be mixed, partially overwritten, and extended, giving you a lot of possibilities to extend and adapt the functionality for your specific use case.

To learn more about Pydoxtools' large pipelines feature, please refer to the documentation.

Pipeline Configuration

Pipelines can be configured. For example the local model used for question answering can be selected like this:

doc = Document(fobj="./data/PFR-PR23_BAT-110__V1.00_.pdf")

where "qam_model_id" can be any model from huggingface for question answering.

You can get a list of configuration options like this:


# >> will give you something like this:
# {'spacy_model_size': 'md',
# 'spacy_model': 'auto',
# 'use_clean_text_for_spacy': True,
# 'coreference_method': 'fast',
# 'graph_debug_context_size': 0,
# 'vectorizer_model': 'sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2',
# 'vectorizer_only_tokenizer': False,
# 'vectorizer_overlap_ratio': 0.1,
# 'min_size_text_segment': 256,
# 'max_size_text_segment': 512,
# 'text_segment_overlap': 0.3,
# 'max_text_segment_num': 100,
# 'top_k_text_rank_keywords': 5,
# 'top_k_text_rank_sentences': 5,
# 'summarizer_model': 'sshleifer/distilbart-cnn-12-6',
# 'summarizer_token_overlap': 50,
# 'summarizer_max_text_len': 200,
# 'qam_model_id': 'deepset/minilm-uncased-squad2',
# 'chat_model_id': 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
# 'image_dpi': 216,
# 'ocr_lang': 'auto',
# 'ocr_on': True}

For more information check the -> documentation:

PDF Table Extraction Algorithms

The library features its own sophisticated Table extraction algorithm which is benchmarked against a large pdf table dataset. In contrast to how most "classical" table extraction algorithms work, it doesn't require:

This makes it possible to run analysis on PDF files with pydoxtools on CPU with very limited resources!

TODO: Describe more of the features here...

Use Cases

Installation Options

If you simply want to get going, you can install the following libraries on your system which will do evrything for you:

sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-deu tesseract-ocr-fra tesseract-ocr-eng tesseract-ocr-spa \
                     poppler-utils graphviz graphviz-dev \
sudo apt-get install pandoc
# OR (for getting the newest version with all features)
# cd /tmp
# wget https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases/download/2.19.2/pandoc-2.19.2-1-amd64.deb
# dpkg -i pandoc-2.19.2-1-amd64.deb

Below are some explanation what the different

Supporting *.docx, *.odt, *.epub

In order to be able to load docx, odt and rtf files, you have to install pandoc. Right now, the python pandoc library does not work with pandoc version > 3.0.0. It is therefore recommended to install a version from here for your OS:


Image OCR Support

Pydoxtools can automatically analyze images as well, makin use of OCR. In order to be able to use this, install tesseract on your system:

Under linux this looks like the following:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get tesseract-ocr
# install tesseract languages 
# Display a list of all Tesseract language packs:
#   apt-cache search tesseract-ocr
# install all languages:
# sudo apt install tesseract-ocr-*
# install only german, french, english, spanish language packs
sudo apt install tesseract-ocr-deu tesseract-ocr-fra tesseract-ocr-eng tesseract-ocr-spa

pdf image rendering

For pdf rendering, Pydoxtools makes use of a library "poppler" which needs to be installed on your system. Under linux, this looks like the following:

sudo apt-get install poppler-utils


For visualizing the document logic, you need to install graphviz on your system. Under linux, this looks like the following:

sudo apt-get install graphviz graphviz-dev


--> see


This project is licensed under the terms of MIT license.

You can check the compatibility using the following tool in a venv environment in a production setting:

pip install pip-licenses
pip-licenses | grep -Ev 'MIT License|BSD License|Apache Software License|Python Software Foundation License|Apache 2.0|MIT|Apache License 2.0|hnswlib|Pillow|new BSD|BSD'


Here is a list of Libraries, that this project is based on:


