PostgreSQL database driver for Dart
Basic usage
Obtaining a connection
var uri = 'postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/database';
connect(uri).then((conn) {
// ...
SSL connections
Set the sslmode to require by appending this to the connection uri. This driver only supports sslmode=require, if sslmode is ommitted the driver will always connect without using SSL.
var uri = 'postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/database?sslmode=require';
connect(uri).then((conn) {
// ...
conn.query('select color from crayons').toList().then((rows) {
for (var row in rows) {
print(row.color); // Refer to columns by name,
print(row[0]); // Or by column index.
conn.execute("update crayons set color = 'pink'").then((rowsAffected) {
Query Parameters
Query parameters can be provided using a map. Strings will be escaped to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities.
conn.query('select color from crayons where id = @id', {'id': 5})
.then((result) { print(result); });
conn.execute('insert into crayons values (@id, @color)',
{'id': 1, 'color': 'pink'})
.then((_) { print('done.'); });
Closing the connection
You must remember to call Connection.close() when you're done. This won't be done automatically for you.
Conversion of Postgresql datatypes.
Below is the mapping from Postgresql types to Dart types. All types which do not have an explicit mapping will be returned as a String in Postgresql's standard text format. This means that it is still possible to handle all types, as you can parse the string yourself.
Postgresql type Dart type
boolean bool
int2, int4, int8 int
float4, float8 double
numeric String
timestamp, timestamptz, date Datetime
json, jsonb Map/List
All other types String
Mapping the results of a query to an object
class Crayon {
String color;
int length;
conn.query('select color, length from crayons')
.map((row) => new Crayon()
..color = row.color
..length = row.length)
.then((List<Crayon> crayons) {
for (var c in crayons) {
print(c is Crayon);
Or for an immutable object:
class ImmutableCrayon {
ImmutableCrayon(this.color, this.length);
final String color;
final int length;
conn.query('select color, length from crayons')
.map((row) => new ImmutableCrayon(row.color, row.length))
.then((List<ImmutableCrayon> crayons) {
for (var c in crayons) {
print(c is ImmutableCrayon);
Query queueing
Queries are queued and executed in the order in which they were queued.
So if you're not concerned about handling errors, you can write code like this:
conn.execute("create table crayons (color text, length int)");
conn.execute("insert into crayons values ('pink', 5)");
conn.query("select color from crayons").single.then((crayon) {
print(crayon.color); // prints 'pink'
Query streaming
Connection.query() returns a Stream of results. You can use each row as soon as it is received, or you can wait till they all arrive by calling Stream.toList().
Connection pooling
In server applications, a connection pool can be used to avoid the overhead of obtaining a connection for each request.
import 'package:postgresql/pool.dart';
main() {
var uri = 'postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/database';
var pool = new Pool(uri, minConnections: 2, maxConnections: 5);
pool.start().then((_) {
print('Min connections established.');
pool.connect().then((conn) { // Obtain connection from pool
conn.query("select 'oi';")
.then((_) => conn.close()) // Return connection to pool
.catchError((err) => print('Query error: $err'));
Example program
Add postgresql to your pubspec.yaml file, and run pub install.
name: postgresql_example
postgresql: any
import 'package:postgresql/postgresql.dart';
void main() {
var uri = 'postgres://testdb:password@localhost:5432/testdb';
var sql = "select 'oi'";
connect(uri).then((conn) {
.then((result) {
print('result: $result');
.whenComplete(() {
To run the unit tests you will need to create a database, and edit 'test/config.yaml' accordingly.
Creating a database for testing
Change to the postgres user and run the administration commands.
sudo su postgres
createuser --pwprompt testdb
Enter password for new role: password
Enter it again: password
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n
Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) n
Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n
createdb --owner testdb testdb
Check that it worked by logging in.
psql -h localhost -U testdb -W
Enter "\q" to quit from the psql console.