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manssh is a command line tool for managing your ssh alias config easily, inspired by storm project, powered by Go.

Note:<br/> This project is actually a simple glue project, the most complex and core parsing ssh config file logic implements by ssh_config, I didn't do much.<br/> At first it was just a imitation of storm, now it has become a little different.




Before 1.17

go get -u github.com/xwjdsh/manssh/cmd/manssh

1.17 or higher

go install github.com/xwjdsh/manssh/cmd/manssh


brew tap xwjdsh/tap
brew install xwjdsh/tap/manssh


alias manssh='docker run -t --rm -v ~/.ssh/config:/root/.ssh/config wendellsun/manssh'


Download it from releases, and extract it to your PATH directory.


% manssh
   manssh - Manage your ssh alias configs easily

   manssh [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


     add, a     Add a new SSH alias record
     list, l    List or query SSH alias records
     update, u  Update SSH record by specifying alias name
     delete, d  Delete SSH records by specifying alias names
     backup, b  Backup SSH config files
     help, h    Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --file value, -f value  (default: "/Users/wendell/.ssh/config")
   --help, -h              show help
   --version, -v           print the version

Add a new alias

# manssh add test2
# manssh add test1 root@ -c IdentityFile=~/.ssh/wendell
% manssh add test1 root@ -i ~/.ssh/wendell
✔ alias[test1] added successfully.

        test1 -> root@
                identityfile = /Users/wendell/.ssh/wendell

Username and port config is optional, the username is current login username and port is 22 by default.<br/> Using -c to set more config options. For convenience, -i xxx can instead of -c identityfile=xxx.

List or query alias

# manssh list
# manssh list "*"
# manssh list Test -ic
% manssh list test1 77
✔ Listing 1 records.

        test1 -> root@
                identityfile = /Users/wendell/.ssh/wendell

It will display all alias records If no params offered, or it will using params as keywords query alias records.<br/> If there is a -it option, it will ignore case when searching.

Update an alias

# manssh update test1 -r test2
# manssh update test1 root@
% manssh update test1 -i "" -r test3 -c hostname= -c port=22022
✔ alias[test3] updated successfully.

        test3 -> root@

Update an existing alias record, it will replace origin user, hostname, port config's if connected string param offered.<br/> You can use -c to update single and extra config option, -c identityfile= -c proxycommand= will remove identityfile and proxycommand options. <br/> For convenience, -i xxx can instead of -c identityfile=xxx<br/> Rename the alias specified by -r flag.

Delete one or more alias

# manssh delete test1
% manssh delete test1 test2
✔ alias[test1,test2] deleted successfully.

Backup ssh config

% manssh backup ./config_backup
✔ backup ssh config to [./config_backup] successfully.

For Include directive

If you use the Include directive, there are some extra notes.

Add -p(--path) flag for list,add,update,delete command to show the file path where the alias is located, it can also be set by the MANSSH_SHOW_PATH environment variable.

<details> <summary><strong><code>MANSSH_SHOW_PATH</code></strong></summary>

Set to true to show the file path where the alias is located. Default is false.

</details> <br/>

Add -ap(--addpath) flag for add command to specify the file path to which the alias is added, it can also be set by the MANSSH_ADD_PATH environment variable.

<details> <summary><strong><code>MANSSH_ADD_PATH</code></strong></summary>

This file path indicates to which file to add the alias. Default is the entry config file.

</details> <br/>

For convenience, you can export these environments in your .zshrc or .bashrc, example:

export MANSSH_SHOW_PATH=true
export MANSSH_ADD_PATH=~/.ssh/config.d/temp



MIT License