


Resource-efficient method for pretraining a dense corpus index for open-domain QA and IR. Given a question, you could use this code to retrieval relevant paragraphs from Wikipedia and extract answers.

1. Set up the environments

conda create -n proqa -y python=3.6.9 && conda activate proqa
pip install -r requirements.txt

If you want to used mixed precision training, you need to follow Nvidia Apex repo to install Apex if your GPUs support fp16.

2. Download data (including the corpus, paragraphs paired with the generated questions, etc.)

gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=17IMQ5zzfkCNsTZNJqZI5KveoIsaG2ZDt && unzip data.zip
cd data && gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1T1SntmAZxJ6QfNBN39KbAHcMw0JR5MwL

The data folder includes the QA datasets and also the paragraph database nq_paras.db which can be used with sqlite3. If the command line fails to download the file, please use your brower instead.

2. Use pretrained index and models

Download the pretrained models and data from google drive:

gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1fDRHsLk5emLqHSMkkoockoHjRSOEBaZw && unzip pretrained_models.zip

Test the Retrieval Performance Before QA finetuning

cd retrieval
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python get_embed.py \
    --do_predict \
    --predict_batch_size 512 \
    --bert_model_name bert-base-uncased \
    --fp16 \
    --predict_file ../data/WebQuestions-test.txt \
    --init_checkpoint ../pretrained_models/retriever.pt \
    --is_query_embed \
    --embed_save_path ../data/wq_test_query_embed.npy
python eval_retrieval.py ../data/WebQuestions-test.txt ../pretrained_models/para_embed.npy ../data/wq_test_query_embed.npy ../data/nq_paras.db

The arguments are the dataset file, dense corpus index, question embeddings and the paragraph database. The results should be like:

Top 80 Recall for 2032 QA pairs: 0.7839566929133859 ...
Top 5 Recall for 2032 QA pairs: 0.5196850393700787 ...
Top 10 Recall for 2032 QA pairs: 0.610236220472441 ...
Top 20 Recall for 2032 QA pairs: 0.687007874015748 ...
Top 50 Recall for 2032 QA pairs: 0.7554133858267716 ...

3. Retriever pretraining

Use a single pretraining file:

cd retrieval

This script will use the unclustered the data for pretraining. After certain updates, we will pause the training and use the following steps to cluster the data and continue training. This will save a checkpoint under retrieval/logs/.

Use clutered data for pretraining:

Generate paragraph clusters

mkdir encodings
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python get_embed.py --do_predict --prefix eval-para \
    --predict_batch_size 300 \
    --bert_model_name bert-base-uncased \
    --fp16 \
    --predict_file ../data/retrieve_train.txt \
    --init_checkpoint ../pretrained_models/retriever.pt \
    --embed_save_path encodings/train_para_embed.npy \
    --eval-workers 32 \
python group_paras.py

Clustering hyperparameter settings such as num of clusters can be found in group_paras.py.

Pretraining using clusters


4. QA finetuning