

Welcome to icecream_sv - IceCream for SystemVerilog! "Copyright (c) 2024 IC Verimeter"

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Never use $display and `uvm_info to debug SystemVerilog again.

The icecream_sv utility makes it easier to inspect variables, expressions, and program flow with minimal syntax. Inspired by the IceCream project, icecream_sv aims to bring the simplicity and convenience of those tools to the SystemVerilog world. icecream_sv is available under the MIT License and can be used without restriction in both open-source and commercial applications.


To use icecream_sv, simply include and import the icecream_pkg.sv file in your project's build flow.


To debug with icecream_sv, use the IC macros anywhere in your SystemVerilog code:

module my_module;
   import icecream_pkg::*; 
   int decimal_var = 123;
   bit [7:0] hex_var = 8'hFF;
   byte      char_var = "A";
   string    str_var = "ICECREAM for SV";
   int       fixed_array[10]='{'h0, 'h3, 'h6, 'h9, 'hc, 'hf, 'h12, 'h15, 'h18, 'h1b};
   int       dynamic_array[]= '{'h0, 'h5, 'ha, 'hf, 'h14};
   int       assoc_array[string] = '{"first":'h64, "second":'hc8, "third":'h12c};
   int       queue[$] = '{'ha, 'h14, 'h1e};
   typedef struct {
      int         struct_int;
      string      struct_string;
      bit [7:0]   struct_bit;
   } struct_t;
   struct_t my_struct='{struct_int:'haa, struct_string:"Hello, World!", struct_bit:'hff};
   typedef union  {
      int         union_int;
      reg [31:0]  union_reg;
      bit [31:0]   union_bit;
   } union_t;
   union_t my_union;
   initial begin
      my_union.union_int = 'h55;
   end // initial begin
endmodule:  my_module


  IC_SV:: @0 Line:128 File:../test_icecream.sv
  IC_SV:: @0 hex_var(ff)
  IC_SV:: @0 decimal_var(123)
  IC_SV:: @0 char_var(41),(A)
  IC_SV:: @0 str_var(s)Hello, World
  IC_SV:: @0 fixed_array('{'h0, 'h3, 'h6, 'h9, 'hc, 'hf, 'h12, 'h15, 'h18, 'h1b} )
  IC_SV:: @0 dynamic_array('{'h0, 'h5, 'ha, 'hf, 'h14} )
  IC_SV:: @0 assoc_array('{"first":'h64, "second":'hc8, "third":'h12c} )
  IC_SV:: @0 queue('{'ha, 'h14, 'h1e} )
  IC_SV:: @0 my_struct('{struct_int:'haa, struct_string:"ICECREAM for SV", struct_bit:'hff})
  IC_SV:: @0 my_union('{union_int:'h55, union_reg:'h55, union_bit:'h55})

Compile and Run Example

NOTE: The test is available only for Verilator currently.

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Please contact us at icshunt.help@gmail.com


icecream_sv is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.



Delicious IceCream should be enjoyed in every language.

"Copyright (c) 2024 IC Verimeter" Copyright (c) 2024 IC Verimeter