

Learning Energy-Based Models With Adversarial Training

Paper link https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.06568


tensorflow==1.15 # for FID evaluation

In addition to installing the required Python dependencies, download the checkpoints/, data/, and experiments/ directories from this Google Drive link. Place these directories at the root of the project.

Preparing Datasets

By default, datasets are organized in the ./datasets directory:

$ ls ./datasets
CelebAHQ256  imagenet256  afhq256 ...

Target distribution dataset ( $p_\textrm{data}$ )

CelebA-HQ 256

Download data512x512.zip, unzip the images to ./prepare_datasets/downloads/celebahq_files/, and then run $ sh ./prepare_datasets/create_celebahq256.sh


Run sh ./prepare_datasets/create_afhqcat256.sh

LSUN Church 256

  1. Download https://github.com/fyu/lsun to prepare_datasets/downloads
  2. Inside prepare_datasets/downloads/lsun run python download.py -c church_outdoor; unzip church_outdoor_train_lmdb.zip
  3. Inside prepare_datasets run python extract_png.py --root downloads/lsun --category church_outdoor --split train --savedir ../datasets/Church256

Out-of-distribution dataset ( $p_0$ )

The 80 million tiny images dataset (required for the CIFAR-10 task)

Download tiny_images.bin to ./datasets.

ImageNet (required for the 256x256 tasks) Download ImageNet and organize it as follows (images do not need to be resized to 256x256):

$ ls ./datasets/imagenet256
ILSVRC2012_devkit_t12.tar.gz train val
$ ls ./datasets/imagenet256/train
n01440764  n01739381  n01978287  n02092002 ...

Training Models

# CIFAR-10 (generation)
python train.py --indist_steps 5 --r1reg 0.01 --optimizer adam --lr 0.0005 --batch_size 32 \
                --step_size 0.1 --epochs 5 --dataset cifar10 --max_steps 25 --startstep 0 --logfid

# CelebA-HQ 256
python train.py --indist_aug --r1reg 30 --optimizer adam --lr 0.00005 --batch_size 40  --step_size 2.0 \
                --epochs 5 --pretrain --dataset celebahq256 --max_steps 40 --startstep 0 --logfid

# AFHQ-CAT 256
python train.py --indist_aug --r1reg 100 --optimizer adam --lr 0.00005 --batch_size 40 --step_size 2.0 \
                --epochs 50 --pretrain --dataset afhq256-cat --max_steps 25 --startstep 0 --logfid

# LSUN-Church 256
python train.py --indist_aug --r1reg 100 --optimizer adam --lr 0.00005 --batch_size 40 --step_size 2.0 \
                --epochs 50 --pretrain --dataset church256 --max_steps 25 --startstep 0 --logfid

CIFAR-10 worst-case out-of-distribution detection

python train.py --cifar10_ood_detection --optimizer sgd --lr 0.1 ---step_size 0.1 \
                --indist_eps 0.25 --eps 0.5 --indist_steps 10 --max_steps 20 --startstep 20 \
                --batch-size 128 --dataset cifar10

Reproduce Experimental Results

Generation and FID evaluation

# cifar10
python generate.py --dataset cifar10 --savedir eval_fid/cifar10-fid-eval
python fid.py eval_fid/cifar10-eval data/fid_stats_cifar10_train.npz

# CelebA-HQ 256
python generate.py --dataset celebahq256 --savedir eval_fid/celebahq256-eval
python fid.py eval_fid/celebahq256-eval datasets/CelebAHQ256/train/data

# AFHQ-CAT 256 
python generate.py --dataset afhqcat256 --savedir eval_fid/afhqcat256-eval
python fid.py eval_fid/afhqcat256-eval datasets/afhq256/train/cat/data/

# LSUN-Church 256: 
python generate.py --dataset church256 --savedir eval_fid/church256-eval
python fid.py eval_fid/church256-eval datasets/Church256/train/data/

Worst-case out-of-distribution detection

task=cifar10 # can also be "celebahq256", "afhqcat256", "church256"
python eval_ood.py --task $task

2D experiment

Use 2Dtasks/2DTasks.ipynb to reproduce the 2D experiment results