


Code for Fine-grained Sentiment Analysis of User Reviews of AI Challenger 2018.

Single model can achieve 0.71 marco-f1 score.

Testa rank: 27

Testb rank: 16

The final result is achieved by ensemble 10 models by simple voting.

Issues and starts are welcomed!

Train from scratch

For those who don't want to preprocess data, refer to scripts.


For those who want to get the raw dataset, please refer to this link data.


tensorflow == 1.4.1

Model Architecture

The model architecture is simple. Basiclly, you can think of it as a seq2seq model.


Some details of the model:

Data preprocess

The data preprocess code is not provided here, I may release it later.

To use this project, you need fowllowing files:

Training files

You need to preprocess the orginal data to json files, each line of the json line should be like fowllowing:

{"id": "0", "content": "吼吼吼 , 萌 死 人 的 棒棒糖 , 中 了 大众 点评 的 霸王餐 , 太 可爱 了 。 一直 就 好奇 这个 棒棒 糖 是 怎么 个 东西 , 大众 点评 给 了 我 这个 土老 冒 一个 见识 的 机会 。 看 介绍 棒棒 糖 是 用 <place> 糖 做 的 , 不 会 很 甜 , 中间 的 照片 是 糯米 的 , 能 食用 , 真是 太 高端 大气 上档次 了 , 还 可以 买 蝴蝶 结扎口 , 送 人 可以 买 礼盒 。 我 是 先 打 的 卖家 电话 , 加 了 微信 , 给 卖家传 的 照片 。 等 了 几 天 , 卖家 就 告诉 我 可以 取 货 了 , 去 <place> 那 取 的 。 虽然 连 卖家 的 面 都 没 见到 , 但是 还是 谢谢 卖家 送 我 这么 可爱 的 东西 , 太 喜欢 了 , 这 哪 舍得 吃 啊 。", "location_traffic_convenience": "-2", "location_distance_from_business_district": "-2", "location_easy_to_find": "-2", "service_wait_time": "-2", "service_waiters_attitude": "1", "service_parking_convenience": "-2", "service_serving_speed": "-2", "price_level": "-2", "price_cost_effective": "-2", "price_discount": "1", "environment_decoration": "-2", "environment_noise": "-2", "environment_space": "-2", "environment_cleaness": "-2", "dish_portion": "-2", "dish_taste": "-2", "dish_look": "1", "dish_recommendation": "-2", "others_overall_experience": "1", "others_willing_to_consume_again": "-2"}

To be specific:

Vocab file

I choose the top 50k most common words in training file.

The top 3 words are special tokens, which are:

Embedding file

This is a glove-format embedding file, I use Chinese-Word-Vectors as pretrained embedding file(which is Sogou News word2vec word embedding).

Label file

All the label names.


Refer to bash/elmo_train.sh


Refer to bash/elmo_inference.sh