

InstructScore (SEScore3)

An amazing explanation metric (diagnostic report) for text generation evaluation

<div align="center"> <img src="figs/InstructScore_teaser.jpg" width=400px> </div>


We list all required dependencies in requirements.txt. You can create a conda environment and install all dependencies through following commands (Higher python version is recommended):

    conda create -n instructscore python=3.12
    conda activate instructscore
    pip install -r requirements.txt


There are two ways to use InstructScore.

Option 1: Have a fast try through Huggingface

We have uploaded our model to Huggingface, which can be found here. You can directly try InstructScore via several lines of code:

from InstructScore import InstructScore
# You can choose from 'mt_zh-en', 'caption', 'd2t', 'commonsense' or "key-to-text" to reproduce results in the paper
task_type = 'mt_zh-en' 
# Example input for X-English translation
refs = ["Normally the administration office downstairs would call me when there’s a delivery."]
outs = ["Usually when there is takeaway, the management office downstairs will call."]

# Example input for captioning generation
# task_type="caption"
# refs = ["The two girls are playing on a yellow and red jungle gym."]
# outs = ["The woman wearing a red bow walks past a bicycle."]

# Example input for table-to-text generation
# task_type="d2t"
# srcs = ["['Piotr_Hallmann | height | 175.26', 'Piotr_Hallmann | weight | 70.308']"]
# refs = ["Piotr Hallmann is 175.26 cm tall and weighs 70.308 kg."]
# outs = ["Piotr Hallmann has a height of 175.26 m and weights 70.308."]

# Example input for Commonsense text generation
# task_type="commonsense"
# srcs = ["food, eat, chair, sit"]
# refs = ["A man sitting on a chair eating food."]
# outs = ["a man eats food and eat chair sit in the beach."]

# Example input for keyword-to-text generation
# task_type="key-to-text"
# srcs = ["['X | type | placetoeat', "X | area | 'X'", 'X | pricerange | moderate', 'X | eattype | restaurant']"]
# refs = ["May I suggest the X? It is a moderately priced restaurant near X."]
# outs = ["X is a restaurant in X with a moderately priced menu."]

# Example input for English-to-German translation (Beta testing)
# task_type="mt_en-de"
# refs=["Warnung vor stürmischem Wetter, da starke Winde eine 'Lebensgefahr' darstellen"]
# outs=["Warnung vor stürmischem Wetter, da starke Winde Lebensgefahr darstellen können"]

# Example input for English-to-Russian translation (Beta testing)
# task_type="mt_en-ru"
# refs=["Нет, вы не сможете ввести дату встречи, вам нужно будет разместить заказ, и тогда мы сможем отложить предметы для вас, мы можем отложить их сначала на три месяца"]
# outs=["Нет, вы не сможете указать дату встречи, вам нужно будет оформить заказ, после чего мы сможем временно <v>приостановить производство</v> товаров для вас. Вначале мы можем отложить их на три месяца"]

# Example input for English-to-Spanish translation (Beta testing)
# task_type="mt_en-es"
# refs=["Y hay una distinción muy importante allí que veremos."]
# outs=["Y hay una distinción muy anormal allí que falta veremos."]

scorer = InstructScore(device_id=device_id, task_type=task_type, batch_size=6, cache_dir=None)
if task_type=="commonsense" or task_type=="d2t" or task_type == "key-to-text":
    batch_outputs, scores_ls = scorer.score(ref_ls=refs, out_ls=outs, src_ls=srcs)
    batch_outputs, scores_ls = scorer.score(ref_ls=refs, out_ls=outs)

Option 2: Download weight from Google Drive

You can also download the checkpoint from this Google Drive link.

Reproduce main table results

cd reproduce
python3 process_result_bagel.py # process_result_{task}.py

To train your own InstructScore

# Training code
deepspeed --num_gpus 8 code/finetune_llama.py --f <Your Instruction training data> --output_dir <Your saved weight dir> --max_length <Max length> --num_epoch <Epoch>
# You can use localhost to specify specific GPU
deepspeed --include localhost:1 code/finetune_llama.py --f <Your Instruction training data> --output_dir <Your saved weight dir> --max_length <Max length> --num_epoch <Epoch>


    title = "{INSTRUCTSCORE}: Towards Explainable Text Generation Evaluation with Automatic Feedback",
    author = "Xu, Wenda  and
      Wang, Danqing  and
      Pan, Liangming  and
      Song, Zhenqiao  and
      Freitag, Markus  and
      Wang, William  and
      Li, Lei",
    editor = "Bouamor, Houda  and
      Pino, Juan  and
      Bali, Kalika",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month = dec,
    year = "2023",
    address = "Singapore",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2023.emnlp-main.365",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.365",
    pages = "5967--5994"