

androidthings-ws2801-driver Download

This repo contains the Android Things driver to control an LED strip based on the WS2801 chip (and should work on similar LED strips as long as the protocol is the same).

The driver can be found in the ws2801-driver module and there's a demo app showing how to use the driver in the demo-app module.

Only tested with a Raspberry Pi 3 but should work with other devices too.


raspberry pi 3 schematics


The driver is now available on jCenter so you can include it as a gradle dependency:

dependencies {
  compile 'com.xrigau:ws2801-driver:1.0.0'

And you can start using it in your Android Things project:

Ws2801 ledstrip = Ws2801.create(SPI_DEVICE_NAME, Ws2801.Mode.RGB);
ledstrip.write(new int[]{Color.parseColor("#0face0")});

// Later on

More on the WS2801: https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/WS2801.pdf