

Folder Note Plugin

Obsidian Plugin: Add description note to a folder. Generate card-style overview of folder. Make your vault to be a hierarchy note system.




How it works

The mechanism is simple: attaching a note file to a folder, and the folder note file will be hidden by CSS rules. But where do you put the folder note? There are three methods of creating description note for a folder: Inside-Folder, Outside-Folder and Index-File, please read Folder Note Methods for more information about the Pros and Cons of each method. The default configuration is the Inside-Folder method. If you prefer the others, please change the settings.

When CTRL+Click a folder, the plugin will create a description note with the path dependent on the method you choose. When clicking a folder, the plugin will open the attached note for you. You can configure the plugin to hide/show the folder note. It can also be configured to try to automatically keep the folder and note name in syncing.



Use Ctrl+P to open Obsidian's command panel, and use the following commands of the plugin:

Overview of folder

The plugin can automatically generate a code block of ccard in a note file for displaying overview of a folder. The code block can be used and edited in any normal note file. For the syntax of ccard code block, please refer to ccard Syntax.

You can use the ccard code block in the inital folder note template in the settings page. Alternatively, you can use some keywords in the initial folder note template to generate the code blocks for you:

Keyword: {{FOLDER_BRIEF}}

The keyword {{FOLDER_BRIEF}} will be replaces with a ccard code block which describes an brief overview of the folder. You can edit the codes in the code block to display whatever content you like. If you want to update the overview of a folder, it can be inserted to a note by command: Ctrl+P, Insert Folder Overview.


The keyword {{FOLDER_BRIEF_LIVE}} will be replaced with a ccard code block which will be rendered to the folder overview in real time. It is useful when you put some notes with image in a folder, e.g., things collections, it will generate a card view of all the notes with images dynamically.


If you want to configure the content and appearence of the ccard code block, please refer to ccard Syntax. You can configure the style, colume number, image prefix, folder path, note only, max brief length and more. For example, the following image show different styles of folder overview.


Change log

Remember to update the plugin, if you find some issues. For updating from version < 0.4.0, please refer to Update from old version.


See more change log.

Plans for future

Known issues




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