for reference types with Roslyn and CoreCLR
This repository contains the prototype used in the post A new stackalloc operator for reference types with CoreCLR and Roslyn
It contains:
- A fork of the CoreCLR project from the branch
- A fork of Roslyn project from the branch
- A project
using the new keywordtransient
How to Build?
Make sure that all submodules are correctly initialized when cloning this repository.
Building CoreCLR
The official instructions are here.
But using this simple steps should work:
- Install CMake for Windows.
- Add it to the PATH environment variable.
- Open a VS2015 command prompt, go to the folder
and type:build skiptestbuild
Building Roslyn
The official build instructions are here
- Open a VS2015 command prompt, go to the folder
- Run:
nuget.exe restore Roslyn.sln
- Open the solution
- Compile the full solution (in debug mode)
How to Test?
- Open a VS2015 command prompt
- Run:
devenv.exe /rootSuffix Roslyn
(Note that syntax analysis in VS doesn't use the new Roslyn, haven't dig enough why...) - This will start a VS2015 with the C# compiler using the version compiled previously.
- Open the project
and build the project - Back to the command prompt, go to the output bin folder
If you run this command, it will use the version using stackalloc
..\..\..\coreclr\bin\Product\Windows_NT.x64.Debug\CoreRun.exe StackAllocForClass.exe
You should get the following output:
Mode: StackAlloc . To switch to HeapAlloc, simply pass an argument to this exe
[before] GC gen0 collect: 0
[before] GC gen1 collect: 0
[before] GC gen2 collect: 0
Result: -729545010
[after] GC gen0 collect: 0
[after] GC gen1 collect: 0
[after] GC gen2 collect: 0
Elapsed: 418.9245ms
Passing a single parameter will switch to heap mode:
..\..\..\coreclr\bin\Product\Windows_NT.x64.Debug\CoreRun.exe StackAllocForClass.exe 1
In heap mode:
Mode: HeapAlloc
[before] GC gen0 collect: 0
[before] GC gen1 collect: 0
[before] GC gen2 collect: 0
Result: -729545010
[after] GC gen0 collect: 114
[after] GC gen1 collect: 0
[after] GC gen2 collect: 0
Elapsed: 4984.224ms
Same license as CoreCLR and Roslyn.
Alexandre Mutel aka @xoofx