

Mask input with simple API and rich customization.

If you need to create an input for:

This project could help you in all this situations!

Take a look at our demos: https://codesandbox.io/s/svelte-input-mask-demo-xurgr

How to use it:

Install it:

npm install --save svelte-input-mask

or if you're using yarn:

yarn add svelte-input-mask

Import MaskInput component:

import MaskInput from "svelte-input-mask/MaskInput.svelte";

Use it (for example for CreditCard):

<MaskInput alwaysShowMask maskChar="_" mask="0000-000000-00000" />

Add event listeners:

  import MaskInput from 'svelte-input-mask/MaskInput.svelte';

  let mask = '0000-0000-0000-0000';

  const handleChange = ({ detail }) => {
    console.log(detail.inputState.maskedValue); // stores the value of input

    if (detail.inputState.maskedValue.indexOf('34') === 0 || detail.inputState.maskedValue.indexOf('37') === 0) {
      mask = '0000-000000-00000';

    mask = '0000-0000-0000-0000';

<MaskInput alwaysShowMask maskChar="_" {mask} on:change={handleChange} />

Congrats! You made the first masked input :)

Checkout more usecases here: https://codesandbox.io/s/romantic-franklin-xurgr

Where to use?

Credit cards:

<MaskInput alwaysShowMask maskChar="_" mask="0000-000000-00000" />

Phones (you still can change prefixes, country code like in credit card example):

  mask="+1 (000) 000 - 0000"


  import MaskInput from 'svelte-input-mask/MaskInput.svelte';

  let maskString = 'DD.MM.YYYY';
  let mask = '00.00.0000';

  const handleChange = ({ detail }) => {
    const value = detail.inputState.maskedValue;
    if (parseInt(value[6], 10) > 2) {
      maskString = 'DD.MM.YY';
      mask = '00.00.00';
    } else {
      maskString = 'DD.MM.YYYY';
      mask = '00.00.0000';

<MaskInput alwaysShowMask {maskString} {mask} on:change={handleChange}/>


  import NumberInput from 'svelte-input-mask/NumberInput.svelte';

<NumberInput />

Which props it has?

Mask input has next props:

PropDefault valueDescription
value-The value of the input. Will be processed to masked one. In this case you can control the value of the component
defaultValue-The default value of the input. Will be applied only during the first render
maskString-The mask string to show if there are no filled chars. It's length should be the same as mask. Example: 'DD.MM.YYYY'
maskChar''In case you don't need a custom string you can define only a definite char for mask. Example: maskChar = '_' and mask = '0000-0000-0000-0000' will give: ____-____-____-____
mask-The mask of the input. Could be a credit card: '0000-0000-0000-0000', date: 00.00.0000 or whatever you want :) Doesn't work if reformat prop is setted
maskFormatregexpThe regexp for custom formatting. You may use it if you want to define a specific mask. See example here: https://github.com/xnimorz/masked-input/blob/master/packages/input-core/src/index.ts#L16-L28
alwaysShowMaskfalseFlag to show the mask
showMaskfalseShow mask if there is any data in input
reformat-The function, which defines a custom formatting rules. In case if you can't describe the format only with mask (e.g. numbers). If you use this prop mask prop will be ignored

Svelte mask input pass all props that it doesn't handle right to input html element.

Quick start examples at local machine

git clone git@github.com:xnimorz/svelte-input-mask.git
cd svelte-input-mask/example
yarn install
yarn dev


Svelte should be installed in your project. Check the minimal Svelte version here: https://github.com/xnimorz/svelte-input-mask/blob/master/package.json#L42