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A pytorch implementation of "X-Mesh: Towards Fast and Accurate Text-driven 3D Stylization via Dynamic Textual Guidance"


<img src="images/overview.gif">

Getting Started


Note: The below installation will fail if run on something other than a CUDA GPU machine.

conda env create --file xmesh.yml
conda activate xmesh

If you experience an error installing kaolin saying something like nvcc not found, you may need to set your CUDA_HOME environment variable to the 11.3 folder i.e. export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-11.3, then rerunning the installation.

System Requirements


The dataset has been placed in ./Dataset. There are two folders in this path:

Run examples

Training One Mesh

python main.py --run branch --obj_path <your .obj path> --output_dir <output dir> --prompt "<yout target prompt>" --sigma 12.0  --clamp tanh --n_normaugs 4 --n_augs 1 --normmincrop 0.1 --normmaxcrop 0.4 --geoloss --colordepth 2 --normdepth 2 --frontview --frontview_std 4 --clipavg view --lr_decay 0.9 --clamp tanh --normclamp tanh --save_render --seed 23 --n_iter 1200 --normal_learning_rate 0.0005 --standardize --no_pe --symmetry --background 1 1 1

Training Code for MIT-30

Call the below shell scripts to generate styled results on the MIT-30 dataset.

# generate results for MIT-30

The outputs will be saved to ./output, with the stylized .obj files, colored and uncolored render views, and screenshots during training.

Evaluation Code

Test MSE

First generate rendered images from 24 fixed angles, you can run following sctipt:

# '--data_path' is the saving path that you set during your training
# '--out_path' is the path that you want to save 24 rendered images

python generate_multiviews.py --data_path <data_path> --out_path <out_path>

Then you can calculate the MSE metric via running following script:

# '--out_path' is the path that you save 24 rendered images in the last step
python test_MSE.py --out_path <out_path>

Test ITS

First, save all MSE for all iterations to a .json file:

# '--data_path' is the saving path that you set during your training
python save_similarity.py --data_path <data_path>

Finally, we calculate the ITS metric:

# '--threshold' is the MSE threshold for ITS
python test_ITS.py --threshold <threshold>


<p float="center"> <img alt="alien" height="240" src="images/Phoenix/mesh/eval.gif" width="240"/> <img alt="alien geometry" height="240" src="images/Phoenix/normals/eval.gif" width="240"/> <img alt="alien style" height="240" src="images/Phoenix/img/eval.gif" width="240"/> </p> <p float="center"> A 3D rendering of a wooden phoenix in unreal engine. </p> <p float="center"> <img alt="alien" height="240" src="images/Castle/mesh/eval.gif" width="240"/> <img alt="alien geometry" height="240" src="images/Castle/normals/eval.gif" width="240"/> <img alt="alien style" height="240" src="images/Castle/img/eval.gif" width="240"/> </p> <p float="center"> A 3D rendering of a dark castle in unreal engine. </p> <p float="center"> <img alt="alien" height="240" src="images/Cat/mesh/eval.gif" width="240"/> <img alt="alien geometry" height="240" src="images/Cat/normals/eval.gif" width="240"/> <img alt="alien style" height="240" src="images/Cat/img/eval.gif" width="240"/> </p> <p float="center"> A 3D rendering of a Ginger cat with black collar in unreal engine. </p> <p float="center"> <img alt="alien" height="240" src="images/BlueWhale/mesh/eval.gif" width="240"/> <img alt="alien geometry" height="240" src="images/BlueWhale/normals/eval.gif" width="240"/> <img alt="alien style" height="240" src="images/BlueWhale/img/eval.gif" width="240"/> </p> <p float="center"> A 3D rendering of a BlueWhale in unreal engine. </p> <p float="center"> <img alt="alien" height="240" src="images/Owl/mesh/eval.gif" width="240"/> <img alt="alien geometry" height="240" src="images/Owl/normals/eval.gif" width="240"/> <img alt="alien style" height="240" src="images/Owl/img/eval.gif" width="240"/> </p> <p float="center"> A 3D rendering of a brown owl standing on a trunk in unreal engine. </p> <p float="center"> <img alt="alien" height="240" src="images/Chameleon/mesh/eval.gif" width="240"/> <img alt="alien geometry" height="240" src="images/Chameleon/normals/eval.gif" width="240"/> <img alt="alien style" height="240" src="images/Chameleon/img/eval.gif" width="240"/> </p> <p float="center"> A 3D rendering of a crocodile in unreal engine. </p>


    author    = {Ma, Yiwei and Zhang, Xiaoqing and Sun, Xiaoshuai and Ji, Jiayi and Wang, Haowei and Jiang, Guannan and Zhuang, Weilin and Ji, Rongrong},
    title     = {X-Mesh: Towards Fast and Accurate Text-driven 3D Stylization via Dynamic Textual Guidance},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
    month     = {October},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {2749-2760}