

cpass: another console UI for pass

!DISCLAIMER!: This is still WIP. Before the version 1.0.0, I do not guarantee that this program will run mostly as intended (doesn't mean 1.0.0 will be perfect, either). Version 1.0.0 might break some of the backward compatibility.

It is recommended to back up your passwords or use git (by pass git init) to manage the password store.

cpass is an urwid based terminal user interface (TUI) for the standard unix password manager, pass.

cpass tries to achieve a minimal, clean interface and utilizes vim-like keybinding. Also, thanks to the urwid module, mouse is supported quite well.


Todo list:


Make sure you are using a local password store created/compatible with pass, which cpass will look for in $PASSWORD_STORE_DIR, otherwise in ~/.password_store/.

pass is required, although theoretically a pass compatible client does not need pass (e.g., qtpass can work with git and gpg). However, pass does a lot of things to assure the robustness and security of password management, there is no need to reinvent the wheels.



Start cpass

For now, just run cpass.

Some CLI arguments are in mind, but those are for future versions.


Basic navigation keybindings just work as in a lot of command line programs (like less):

h, j, k, l, g, G, ctrl+d, ctrl+u, ctrl+f, ctrl+b, ctrl+n, ctrl+p

For pass related operations:

To-do ones (might change)


This is very intuitive.


Configuration file: $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/cpass/cpass.cfg, which falls back to $HOME/.config/cpass/cpass.cfg if not found.

Example configuration file cpass.cfg has all available options set to the default value, with detailed comments.

This is an overview of what can be customized through the configuration file, for the complete list of options, see cpass.cfg:

preview_layout = side/bottom/horizontal/vertical

no_symbols = true/false

down = j, down, ctrl n
up = k, up, ctrl p

login = l

normal   = default, default
dir      = light blue, default

dir     = "󰉋 "
file    = "󰈤 "

Two sections, the keys and color, need some references:

