


Mac OS Trojan made with love <3

i make this one cuz i believe we don't give Mac it's rights in this field :P

so i decided to make this Trojan to Play with Mac users 😂

#Tools i'm using <br> Free Pascal 3.0 (http://www.freepascal.org/down/i386/macosx.var)<br> Intellij IDEA 15 Ultimate (https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/#chooseYourEdition)<br> I-Pascal (http://www.siberika.com/siberika/ipascal.htm)<br>


for the TCP communications<br> i'm using Indy : <a href="http://www.indyproject.org">Download</a> <br>

That's all for now ... <br> i'll update this every week .. so stay tuned :V <br><br>

#Build<br> at first i think you should configure the "I-Pascal" plugin with "Intellij IDEA"<br> then try to compile any small code or the code it self 😁 <br> when u finish and want make Bundle for your out <br> goto $project-path/"out/production/" and run "sh Bundle.sh" so u can get the final output 😉 <br><br><br> with love from the Home 🌹