


A JavaScript-based parser for the GeoTIFF image format. This parser is based on the GPHemsley/tiff-js : canvas part has been removed, but GeoTiff geoKey has been added. Not all Tiff capacity has been coded.

What's supported for the Tiff part <BR> Compression : None and Packbits <BR> Strips / Tiles : Supported <BR> Photometric Interpretation : RGB , GreyScale, BiLevel, RGB, RGB Color Palette<BR> Planar Configuration : PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG <BR> Size : images should not be to big in order to be loaded properly.

What's supported for the GeoTiff part <BR> ModelPixelScale : Supported <BR> ModelTransformation : Supported <BR> ModelTiepoint : GTIFTiepointTranslate is not implemented <BR>

Some part of the code is a port from LibGeoTiff 1.4.0 <BR> See http://trac.osgeo.org/geotiff for geoTiff information<BR>

Why GeotiffParser.js ?

My attempt is to parse GeoTiff files coming from a WCS server (I'm using a Geoserver) in order to do some computation like obtaining the elevation along a path. With GeoTiff client side you could also change dynamically the rendering function.

GeotiffParser in action with OpenLayers 3 :

<img src="img/ol3Geotiff.jpg" alt="Geotiff in action" >