

Sublime IDE for Salesforce

This plugin supports Sublime Text 3 for windows and OSX, has not enough testing for Linux yet.

All of our motivation on this plugin come from your star, if you think this plugin is helpful in your daily work, please star this plugin.


Before install this plugin, you must install Sublime Text 3 and then Package Control.

After you have installed package control in your sublime, you can install this plugin by searching haoide in package control, if you don't know how to use package control, you can refer to usage of package control.

Or, You can follow the step-by-step instruction by Meighan Brodkey

Project Configuration

After you have installed this plugin successfully, you can follow <a href="/docs/project.md" target="_blank">Project Configuration</a> to configure your own project.

If you don't want to keep your user credential information in the plugin , you just need to do it as below format, plugin will launch the browser to start OAuth2 Login process,

"projects": {
  "pro-sublime": {
      "default": true,
      "login_url": "https://login.salesforce.com",
      "login_type": "REST",
      "subscribed_metadata_objects": [
      "username": "apex.sublime@dev.com"

Change Logs

Quick Link

Build-in Dependency Lib

Feedback & Contribution

Feel free to open issues, but you should refer to the <a href="/docs/issue.md" target="_blank">Raise Issue</a> before reporting any bug.

well welcome to any contribution, open an issue for discussion before draft you code.


Development Reference