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Salience DETR

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This repository is an official implementation of the Salience DETR: Enhancing Detection Transformer with Hierarchical Salience Filtering Refinement accepeted to CVPR 2024 (score 553). Authors: Xiuquan Hou, Meiqin Liu, Senlin Zhang, Ping Wei, Badong Chen.

💖 If our Salience-DETR is helpful to your researches or projects, please star this repository. Thanks! 🤗

<div align="center"> <img src="images/Salience-DETR.svg"> </div> <details> <summary>✨Highlights</summary>
  1. We offer a deepened analysis for scale bias and query redundancy issues of two-stage DETR-like methods.
  2. We present a hierarchical filtering mechanism to reduce the computational complexity under salience supervision. The proposed salience supervision benefits to capture fine-grained object contours even with bounding box annotations.
  3. Salience DETR achieves +4.0%, +0.2%, and +4.4% AP on three challenging defect detection tasks, and comparable performance (49.2 AP) with about only 70% FLOPs on COCO 2017.
</details> <details> <summary>🔎Visualization</summary> <h3 align="center"> <a id="id_1"><img src="images/query_visualization.svg" width="335"></a> <a id="id_2"><img src="images/salience_visualization.svg" width="462"></a> </h3> </details>


Model Zoo

12 epoch setting

Salience DETRResNet5050.067.754.233.354.464.4config / checkpoint
Salience DETRConvNeXt-L54.272.459.138.858.369.6config / checkpoint
Salience DETRSwin-L<sub>(IN-22K)56.575.061.540.261.272.8config / checkpoint
Salience DETRFocalNet-L<sub>(IN-22K)57.375.562.340.961.874.5config / checkpoint

24 epoch setting

Salience DETRResNet5051.268.955.733.955.565.6config / checkpoint


  1. Clone the repository locally:

    git clone https://github.com/xiuqhou/Salience-DETR.git
    cd Salience-DETR/
  2. Create a conda environment and activate it:

    conda create -n salience_detr python=3.8
    conda activate salience_detr
  3. Install PyTorch and Torchvision following the instruction on https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/. The code requires python>=3.8, torch>=1.11.0, torchvision>=0.12.0.

    conda install pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 torchaudio==0.11.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
  4. Install other dependencies with:

    conda install --file requirements.txt -c conda-forge

That's all, you don't need to compile CUDA operators mannually since we load it automatically when running for the first time.

📁Prepare Dataset

Please download COCO 2017 or prepare your own datasets into data/, and organize them as following. You can use tools/visualize_datasets.py to visualize the dataset annotations to verify its correctness.

  ├── train2017/
  ├── val2017/
  └── annotations/
  	├── instances_train2017.json
  	└── instances_val2017.json
<details> <summary>Example for visualization</summary>
python tools/visualize_datasets.py \
    --coco-img data/coco/val2017 \
    --coco-ann data/coco/annotations/instances_val2017.json \
    --show-dir visualize_dataset/

📚︎Train a model

We use accelerate package to natively handle multi GPUs, use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to specify GPU/GPUs. If not specified, the script will use all available GPUs on the node to train.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 accelerate launch main.py    # train with 1 GPU
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 accelerate launch main.py  # train with 2 GPUs

Before start training, modify parameters in configs/train_config.py.

<details> <summary>A simple example for train config</summary>
from torch import optim

from datasets.coco import CocoDetection
from transforms import presets
from optimizer import param_dict

# Commonly changed training configurations
num_epochs = 12   # train epochs
batch_size = 2    # total_batch_size = #GPU x batch_size
num_workers = 4   # workers for pytorch DataLoader
pin_memory = True # whether pin_memory for pytorch DataLoader
print_freq = 50   # frequency to print logs
starting_epoch = 0
max_norm = 0.1    # clip gradient norm

output_dir = None  # path to save checkpoints, default for None: checkpoints/{model_name}
find_unused_parameters = False  # useful for debugging distributed training

# define dataset for train
coco_path = "data/coco"  # /PATH/TO/YOUR/COCODIR
train_transform = presets.detr  # see transforms/presets to choose a transform
train_dataset = CocoDetection(
test_dataset = CocoDetection(
    transforms=None,  # the eval_transform is integrated in the model

# model config to train
model_path = "configs/salience_detr/salience_detr_resnet50_800_1333.py"

# specify a checkpoint folder to resume, or a pretrained ".pth" to finetune, for example:
# checkpoints/salience_detr_resnet50_800_1333/train/2024-03-22-09_38_50
# checkpoints/salience_detr_resnet50_800_1333/train/2024-03-22-09_38_50/best_ap.pth
resume_from_checkpoint = None

learning_rate = 1e-4  # initial learning rate
optimizer = optim.AdamW(lr=learning_rate, weight_decay=1e-4, betas=(0.9, 0.999))
lr_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(milestones=[10], gamma=0.1)

# This define parameter groups with different learning rate
param_dicts = param_dict.finetune_backbone_and_linear_projection(lr=learning_rate)


To evaluate a model with one or more GPUs, specify CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES, dataset, model and checkpoint.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu_ids> accelerate launch test.py --coco-path /path/to/coco --model-config /path/to/model.py --checkpoint /path/to/checkpoint.pth

Optional parameters are as follows, see test.py for full parameters:

<details> <summary>An example for evaluation</summary>

To evaluate salience_detr_resnet50_800_1333 on coco using 8 GPUs, save predictions to result.json and visualize results to visualization/:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 accelerate launch test.py
    --coco-path data/coco \
    --model-config configs/salience_detr/salience_detr_resnet50_800_1333.py \
    --checkpoint https://github.com/xiuqhou/Salience-DETR/releases/download/v1.0.0/salience_detr_resnet50_800_1333_coco_1x.pth \
    --result result.json \
    --show-dir visualization/
</details> <details> <summary>Evaluate a json result file</summary>

To evaluate the json result file obtained above, specify the --result but not specify --model.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 accelerate launch test.py --coco-path /path/to/coco --result /path/to/result.json

Optional parameters, see test.py for full parameters:



Use inference.py to perform inference on images. You should specify the image directory using --image-dir.

python inference.py --image-dir /path/to/images --model-config /path/to/model.py --checkpoint /path/to/checkpoint.pth --show-dir /path/to/dir
<details> <summary>An example for inference on an image folder</summary>

To performa inference for images under images/ and save visualizations to visualization/:

python inference.py \
    --image-dir images/ \
    --model-config configs/salience_detr/salience_detr_resnet50_800_1333.py \
    --checkpoint checkpoint.pth \
    --show-dir visualization/

See inference.ipynb for inference on single image and visualization.

🔁Benchmark a model

To test the inference speed, memory cost and parameters of a model, use tools/benchmark_model.py.

python tools/benchmark_model.py --model-config configs/salience_detr/salience_detr_resnet50_800_1333.py

📍Train your own datasets

To train your own datasets, there are some things to do before training:

  1. Prepare your datasets with COCO annotation format, and modify coco_path in configs/train_config.py accordingly.

  2. Open model configs under configs/salience_detr and modify the num_classes to a number larger than max_category_id + 1 of your dataset. For example, from the following annotation in instances_val2017.json, we can find the maximum category_id is 90 for COCO, so we set num_classes = 91.

    {"supercategory": "indoor","id": 90,"name": "toothbrush"}

    You can simply set num_classes to a large enough number if not sure what to set. (For example, num_classes = 92 or num_classes = 365 also work for COCO.)

  3. If necessary, modify other parameters in model configs under configs/salience_detr and train_config.py.

📥Export an ONNX model

For advanced users who want to deploy our model, we provide a script to export an ONNX file.

python tools/pytorch2onnx.py \
    --model-config /path/to/model.py \
    --checkpoint /path/to/checkpoint.pth \
    --save-file /path/to/save.onnx \
    --simplify \  # use onnxsim to simplify the exported onnx file
    --verify  # verify the error between onnx model and pytorch model

For inference using the ONNX file, see ONNXDetector in tools/pytorch2onnx.py


If you find our work helpful for your research, please consider citing:

    author    = {Hou, Xiuquan and Liu, Meiqin and Zhang, Senlin and Wei, Ping and Chen, Badong},
    title     = {Salience DETR: Enhancing Detection Transformer with Hierarchical Salience Filtering Refinement},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2024},
    pages     = {17574-17583}

  title={Relation DETR: Exploring Explicit Position Relation Prior for Object Detection},
  author={Hou, Xiuquan and Liu, Meiqin and Zhang, Senlin and Wei, Ping and Chen, Badong and Lan, Xuguang},
  booktitle={European conference on computer vision},