Pemrograman Ruby
Komputer dengan sistem operasi unix-like, seperti Linux atau MacOS.
Kami merekomendasikan ubuntu 11.10.
install ruby dengan perintah sudo apt-get install ruby
Session 1: Basic Ruby
- Ruby Overview
- Menjalankan Ruby
- Syntax dan Idiom
- Object-Oriented in Ruby: Classes, Attributes, Methods
- String Type and Operations
- Numeric
- Boolean
- Conditional Constructs
- Arrays
- Code Blocks
- Ranges
- Regular Expressions
- Symbols
- Hashes
Session 2: OOP with Ruby
- Advanced OOP in Ruby
- Instance Variables
- Accessors
- Class Variables
- Class Methods
- Inheritance
- Access Control
- Modules
- Variable
Session 3: Advanced Topic
- Exceptions
- Advanced Blocks
- Classes as Objects
- Metaprogramming
- I/O
Session 4: Testing
- Libraries
- Instalasi & Menggunakan Gems
- Bundler
- Packaging Programs and Libraries for Distribution
- Testing
- Unit Testing with Minitest
- Introduction to TDD