

DealMVC: Dual Contrastive Calibration for Multi-view Clustering

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An official source code for paper DealMVC: Dual Contrastive Calibration for Multi-view Clustering, accepted by ACM MM 23. Any communications or issues are welcomed. Please contact xihong_edu@163.com. If you find this repository useful to your research or work, it is really appreciate to star this repository. :heart:


<p align = "justify"> Illustration of the motivation of DealMVC. </p> <div align="center"> <img src="./assets/motivation.jpg" width=60%/> </div>


<p align = "justify"> Illustration of DealMVC: Dual Contrastive Calibration for Multi-view Clustering mechanism. </p> <div align="center"> <img src="./assets/overall.jpg" width=60%/> </div>


<p align = "justify"> The performance of our proposed DealMVC in eight datasets. </p> <div align="center"> <img src="./assets/results.jpg" width=60%/> </div>


The proposed DealMVC is implemented with python 3.8.8 on a NVIDIA 1080 Ti GPU.

Python package information is summarized in requirements.txt:

Quick Verification

python test.py 


If you use code or datasets in this repository for your research, please cite our paper.

  title={DealMVC: Dual Contrastive Calibration for Multi-view Clustering},
  author={Yang, Xihong and Jin, Jiaqi and Wang, Siwei and Liang, Ke and Liu, Yue and Wen, Yi and Liu, Suyuan and Zhou, Sihang and Liu, Xinwang and Zhu, En},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 31th ACM International Conference on Multimedia},