Simple and powerful input handler for LOVE2D.
- Support keyboard, mouse, joystick
- Check key is down with delay and interval. And can get duration time.
- Check pressed or released on current frame.
- Check multiple keys down with delay and interval.
- Check sequence keys down with interval limit.
- Get pressed keys.
- Get history of pressed keys.
local Input = require 'input'
function love.load()
function love.update(dt)
local delay, interval = 0.5, 1
local is_down, _, duration = Input.down('a', delay, interval)
local is_down, val, duration = Input.down('leftx')
local is_pressed, data, released_duration = Input.pressed('a')
local is_released, data, pressed_duration = Input.released('leftx')
local is_down = Input.multidown({ 'a', 'b' }, delay, interval)
local min_interval, max_interval = 0, 0.3
local is_down, data_of_last_key = Input.sequence({ 'a', 'b' }, min_interval, max_interval)
local keys = iNput.get_down_keys()
local keys_info = Input.get_history(2)
Better example please see here
Bind callbacks
Call it to setup input callbacks.
Check key is down
is_down, data, duration = Input.down(key, delay, interval)
and interval
unit seconds
is the axis value for axis key. nil for normal key
is the duration time in second.
-- for normal key
local is_down, data, duration = Input.down('1')
if is_down then assert(data == nil) end
-- for mouse
local is_down, pos, duration = Input.down('mouse1')
if is_down then print(pos.x, pos.y) end
-- for gamepad axis
local is_down, axis_val, duration = Input.down('leftx')
if is_down then assert(type(data) == 'number') end
-- for wheel
local is_down, wheel_val, duration = Input.down('wheelx')
if is_down then assert(type(wheel_val) == 'number') end
Check multiple keys is down
is_down, data_of_last_key, duration = Input.multidown(keys, delay, interval)
and interval
unit seconds
local is_down, mouse_pos, duration = Input.multidown({ 'fdown', 'mouse1' }, 1, 1)
Check a key is pressed on the current frame
is_pressed, data, released_time = Input.pressed(key)
is the axis value for axis key. nil for normal key
will be nil for first call
Check a key is released on the current frame
is_released, data, released_time = Input.released(key)
is the axis value for axis key. nil for normal key
will be nil for first call
Check keys is down in sequence
is_pressed, data_of_last_key = Input.sequence(keys, min_interval, max_interval)
-- any interval
Input.sequence({ 'a', 'b', 'c' })
-- The interval between two presses must be less than 0.3s and greater than 0.1s
Input.sequence({ 'a', 'b', 'c' }, 0.1, 0.3)
NOTE: Following keys is invalid for sequence, but you can change the set by Input.sequence_except_keys
-- Default value
Input.sequence_except_keys = {
mousemove = true,
wheelx = true, wheely = true,
leftx = true, lefty = true,
rightx = true, righty = true
-- Except sequence keys 'a', 's' 'd' and 'w'
for i, k in ipairs({ 'a', 's', 'd', 'w' }) do
Input.sequence_except_keys[k] = true
Get a relative to time of the last action(pressed or released)
seconds = Input.duration(key, strict)
: Whether to calculate the exact time. Default value is false, duration relative to last frame.
Return nil if the key has never been down
Get the history of pressed keys. Max history items is 10.
items = Input.get_history(n)
: Sort by pressing time from nearest to far.
: relative to the time of previous key was pressed
Get all down keys
keys = Input.get_down_keys
Get key data
data = Input.get_data(key)
Manually input event
Call following callbacks, the arguments is the same as Love2D's callbacks
local Callbacks = {
'keypressed', 'keyreleased',
'mousepressed', 'mousereleased', 'mousemoved', 'wheelmoved',
'gamepadpressed', 'gamepadreleased', 'gamepadaxis'
Axis threshold
Release axis key if axis value < threshold, but still can get the current axis value by Input.get_data
Input.axis_threshold = {
leftx = 0.1, lefty = 0.1,
rightx = 0.1, righty = 0.1,
l2 = 0.1, r2 = 0.1,
Multiple gamepad
Set Input.multiple_gamepad = true
, then all gamepad keys will has a suffix {key}:{index}
The first trigger gamepad will get index 1, others will be automatically incremented
Input.multiple_gamepad = true
Input.down('fdown:1') -- first gamepad
Input.down('fdown:2') -- seconds gamepad
NOTE: Now, multiple gamepad keys will push to one list, so Input.sequence
cannot use specified gamepad index. Maybe it will be fixed later
keyborad Key Constant
local MouseKeysMapping = {
move = 'mousemove',
wheelx = 'wheelx', wheely = 'wheely',
[1] = 'mouse1', [2] = 'mouse2', [3] = 'mouse3',
[4] = 'mouse4', [5] = 'mouse5', [6] = 'mouse6',
local WheelKeysMapping = {
x = 'wheelx', y = 'wheely'
local GamepadKeysMapping = {
a = 'fdown', y = 'fup', x = 'fleft', b = 'fright',
back = 'back', guide = 'guide', start = 'start',
leftstick = 'leftstick', rightstick = 'rightstick',
leftshoulder = 'l1', rightshoulder = 'r1',
dpup = 'dpup', dpdown = 'dpdown', dpleft = 'dpleft', dpright = 'dpright',
-- axis
leftx = 'leftx', lefty = 'lefty',
rightx = 'rightx', righty = 'righty',
triggerleft = 'l2', triggerright = 'r2'