

Presto Ethereum Connector

Unleash the Power of Presto Interactive SQL Querying on Ethereum Blockchain


Presto is a powerful interactive querying engine that enables running SQL queries on anything -- be it MySQL, HDFS, local file, Kafka -- as long as there exist a connector to the source.

This is a Presto connector to the Ethereum blockchain data. With this connector, one can get hands on with Ethereum blockchain analytics work without having to know how to play with the nitty gritty Javascript API.


Have an Ethereum client that you can connect to. There are 2 options:

  1. Run Geth or Parity locally.
  2. Use Infura, a hosted Ethereum client in the cloud.


Specify a block range where you can (e.g. WHERE block.block_number > x AND block.block_number < y, or WHERE transaction.tx_blocknumber > x AND transaction.tx_blocknumber < y, or WHERE erc20.erc20_blocknumber > x AND erc20.erc20_blocknumber < y). Block number is the default and only predicate that can push down to narrow down data scan range. Queries without block ranges will cause presto to retrieve blocks all the way from the first block, which takes forever.


  1. Install Presto. Follow the instructions on that page to create relevant config files.
    By the end of this step, your presto installation folder structure should look like:

    ├── bin
    ├── lib
    ├── etc
    │   ├── config.properties
    │   ├── jvm.config
    │   └── node.properties
    ├── plugin
  2. Install Presto CLI

  3. Clone this repo and run mvn clean package to build the plugin. You will find the built plugin in the target folder.

  4. Load the plugin to Presto
    a. Create the ethereum connector config inside of etc.
    $ mkdir -p etc/catalog && touch etc/catalog/ethereum.properties
    Paste the following to the ethereum.properties:

    # You can connect through Ethereum HTTP JSON RPC endpoint
    # IMPORTANT - for local testing start geth with rpcport
    # geth --rpc --rpcaddr "" --rpcport "8545"
    # Or you can connect through IPC socket
    # ethereum.ipc=/path/to/ipc_socketfile
    # Or you can connect to Infura
    # ethereum.infura=https://mainnet.infura.io/<your_token>

    b. Copy and extract the built plugin to your presto plugin folder

    $ mkdir -p plugin/ethereum \
      && cp <path_to_this_repo>/target/presto-ethereum-*-plugin.tar.gz . \
      && tar xfz presto-ethereum-*-plugin.tar.gz -C plugin/ethereum --strip-components=1

    By the end of this step, your presto installation folder structure should look like:

    ├── bin
    ├── lib
    ├── etc
    │   ├── catalog
    │   │   └── ethereum.properties
    │   ├── config.properties
    │   ├── jvm.config
    │   └── node.properties
    ├── plugin
    │   ├── ethereum
    │   │   └── <some jars>
  5. There you go. You can now start the presto server, and query through presto-cli:

$ bin/launcher start
$ presto-cli --server localhost:8080 --catalog ethereum --schema default

Use Cases

Inspired by An Analysis of the First 100000 Blocks, the following SQL queries capture partially what was depicted in that post.

SELECT b.bn, (b.block_timestamp - a.block_timestamp) AS delta
    (SELECT block_number AS bn, block_timestamp
    FROM block
    WHERE block_number>=1 AND block_number<=50) AS a
    (SELECT (block_number-1) AS bn, block_timestamp
    FROM block
    WHERE block_number>=2 AND block_number<=51) AS b
ON a.bn=b.bn
ORDER BY b.bn;
X AS (SELECT b.bn, (b.block_timestamp - a.block_timestamp) AS delta
            (SELECT block_number AS bn, block_timestamp
            FROM block
            WHERE block_number>=1 AND block_number<=10000) AS a
            (SELECT (block_number-1) AS bn, block_timestamp
            FROM block
            WHERE block_number>=2 AND block_number<=10001) AS b
        ON a.bn=b.bn
        ORDER BY b.bn)
SELECT min(bn) AS chunkStart, avg(delta)
    (SELECT ntile(10000/200) OVER (ORDER BY bn) AS chunk, * FROM X) AS T
GROUP BY chunk
ORDER BY chunkStart;
SELECT block_miner, count(*) AS num, count(*)/100000.0 AS PERCENT
FROM block
WHERE block_number<=100000
GROUP BY block_miner
SELECT erc20_token, SUM(erc20_value) FROM erc20
WHERE erc20_blocknumber >= 4147340 AND erc20_blocknumber<=4147350
GROUP BY erc20_token;

Column                 | Type               | Extra | Comment
block_number           | bigint             |       |
block_hash             | varchar(66)        |       |
block_parenthash       | varchar(66)        |       |
block_nonce            | varchar(18)        |       |
block_sha3uncles       | varchar(66)        |       |
block_logsbloom        | varchar(514)       |       |
block_transactionsroot | varchar(66)        |       |
block_stateroot        | varchar(66)        |       |
block_miner            | varchar(42)        |       |
block_difficulty       | bigint             |       |
block_totaldifficulty  | bigint             |       |
block_size             | integer            |       |
block_extradata        | varchar            |       |
block_gaslimit         | double             |       |
block_gasused          | double             |       |
block_timestamp        | bigint             |       |
block_transactions     | array(varchar(66)) |       |
block_uncles           | array(varchar(66)) |       |

DESCRIBE transaction;

Column              |    Type     | Extra | Comment
tx_hash             | varchar(66) |       |
tx_nonce            | bigint      |       |
tx_blockhash        | varchar(66) |       |
tx_blocknumber      | bigint      |       |
tx_transactionindex | integer     |       |
tx_from             | varchar(42) |       |
tx_to               | varchar(42) |       |
tx_value            | double      |       |
tx_gas              | double      |       |
tx_gasprice         | double      |       |
tx_input            | varchar     |       |

      Column       |    Type     | Extra | Comment
 erc20_token       | varchar     |       |
 erc20_from        | varchar(42) |       |
 erc20_to          | varchar(42) |       |
 erc20_value       | double      |       |
 erc20_txhash      | varchar(66) |       |
 erc20_blocknumber | bigint      |       |

Web3 Functions

In addition to the various built-in Presto functions, some web3 functions are ported so that they can be called inline with SQL statements directly. Currently, the supported web3 functions are

  1. fromWei
  2. toWei
  3. eth_gasPrice
  4. eth_blockNumber
  5. eth_getBalance
  6. eth_getTransactionCount


-> bin/launcher start
  File "/your_path/presto-server-0.196/bin/launcher.py", line 38
    except OSError, e:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Unrecognized VM option 'ExitOnOutOfMemoryError'
Did you mean 'OnOutOfMemoryError=<value>'?
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.