


The official codes for PMC-VQA: Visual Instruction Tuning for Medical Visual Question Answering



We propose a generative-based model for medical visual understanding by aligning visual information from a pre-trained vision encoder with a large language model, and establish a scalable pipeline to construct a large-scale medical visual question-answering dataset, named PMC-VQA, which contains 227k VQA pairs of 149k images that cover various modalities or diseases.

The dataset is available at Huggingface

The model checkpoints are available at MedVInT-TE and MedVInT-TD. The previous checkpoint of MedVInT-TD was mistakenly uploaded. We have rectified the issue and updated the model's checkpoint on July 31. Now, you can access the correct and improved version of the model.


<!-- Repo Structure ```bash PMC-VQA/: dataset LLAMA_Model/: LLaMA pre-trained model path src/: |--MedVInT_TD/: The code of the model of MedVInT-TD-MLP and MedVInT-TD-Transformer with LLaMA/PMC-LLaMA and CLIP/PMC-CLIP | |--models/ | | |--blocks.py | | |--QA_model_mlp.py: model MedVInT-TD-MLP | | |--QA_model.py: model MedVInT-TD-Transformer | | |--transformer.py | |--Results/: The checkpoints of the MedVInT_TD with PMC-LLaMA, PMC-CLIP on both blank and choice tasks | | |--blank_training/ | | |--choice_training/ |--MedVInT_TE/: The code of MedVInT-TE-Transformer with LLaMA/PMC-LLaMA and CLIP/PMC-CLIP | |--dataset/ | | |--dataset.py: Create dataset | | |--randaugment.py: data augmentation | |--ds_config/ | | |--ds_config_zero2.json: deep speed | |--models/ | | |--llama/ | | | |--blocks.py | | | |--vqa_model.py | | |--pmcclip/: put the checkpoint of pmc_clip here | | |--pmc_oa/ | | | |--blocks.py | | | |--pmc_clip.py | | | |--timm_model.py | | | |--utils.py | |--Results/: put the pre-trained checkpoint here | |--README.md: README for MedVInT_TE | |--train.py | |--test.py | |--train.sh ``` -->

1. Create Environment

Please refer to https://github.com/chaoyi-wu/PMC-LLaMA

2. Prepare Dataset

Download from Huggingface and save into ./PMC-VQA

3. Model Checkpoints

Download the pre-trained MedVInT-TE, and save into ./src/MedVInT_TE/Results directly.

Download the pre-trained MedVInT-TD, and save into ./src/MedVInT_TD/Results directly.

See MedVInT_TE and MedVInT_TD for the details of training MedVInT_TE and MedVInT_TD.


CLIP -- https://github.com/openai/CLIP

PMC-CLIP -- https://github.com/WeixiongLin/PMC-CLIP

PMC-LLaMA -- https://github.com/zphang/minimal-llama

LLaMA: Open and Efficient Foundation Language Models -- https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.13971

We thank the authors for their open-sourced code and encourage users to cite their works when applicable.


Please raise an issue if you need help, any contributions are welcomed.


If you use this code or use our pre-trained weights for your research, please cite our paper

      title={PMC-VQA: Visual Instruction Tuning for Medical Visual Question Answering}, 
      author={Xiaoman Zhang and Chaoyi Wu and Ziheng Zhao and Weixiong Lin and Ya Zhang and Yanfeng Wang and Weidi Xie},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.10415},