


The first automated smart contract gas-optimized vulnerability repair system. SCRepair can automatically generate patches fixing vulnerabilities while attempt to keep the test cases passing. More importantly, SCRepair attempts to generate patches with lower gas usage as long as possible!

Current implementation supports Slither and Oyente as vulnerability detector. Ethereum smart contract written in Solidity is supported.


To install SCRepair, use the following command, the dependencies will be automatically installed and configured:

python3 setup.py install

You might need to install the vulnerability detector of choice separately before our repair system can invoke. You may consult the corresponding installation instructions.

To Use

Use the following command

python3 CLI.py repair PATH_TO_CONTRACT

You also need to configure the detectors intended to be used via the --detector flag. Besides, you may use --targeted_vul to only target subset of detected vulnerabilities.

As output, the paths to the plausible patches will be printed to the standard out.


Paper "Smart Contract Repair" will appear in TOSEM (ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology). The full-text is available at https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.05823

If this system is helpful or related to your publication, please cite with the following latex bibtex entry:

    title={Smart Contract Repair},
    author={Xiao Liang Yu and Omar Al-Bataineh and David Lo and Abhik Roychoudhury},
    journal={ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM)},
    publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA}

"Smart Contract Repair" Paper Experiment Dataset

Our experiments subjects are the followings:

Autonio ICO0x6994699c731dd7e389c209201ec51e8aff283bf9
XGold Coin0x83b2fdc4b90706fbee7f4aaafb56356b6dbf25bd
Hodbo crowdsale0xc8986ecd41fb420268f1f4285931379357c4142b
Lescoin presale0x87be69e5c196e0309cdf6957fd7141fda1df2b97
Yobcoin crowdsale0xe07e687dc4b244d574f37490948c7f4aa921d958
Classy Coin Airdrop0x6459fe2c8d7c26c0011772310d8ca0f570f1d667
OKOToken ICO0x5027880b5A4C5BBB88D229a334Aa8F31e6e67197
ApplauseCash crowdsale0xcb58a0bddb9c972d1020d3f9e94c3401960a12d8
HDL presale0x6a57883b5748bf3631ac2e0d43bf0d6f6cbcd16b
Privatix presale0x92033cc5d60de8fc01e7d4125713e05194989e1e
MXToken crowdsale0x0961375ed779fe16435d5d430da00a5bac527e46
Easy Mine ICO0x53CE47cbe7F2be0AEcD086a70182A98c907D024d
Siring Clock Auction0x79a198b2355ca2aef695d8a4987582e093911ebb

The above subjects are either have no balance in the contract at the time we wrote this paper, self-destructed, or the detected vulnerabilities reported in our paper cannot be exploited for stealing the Ether stored in the contract. Please contact us immediately as soon as you find the above described status is no longer up-to-date.

You may access their source code at etherscan.


Abhik Roychoudhury, Principal Investigator

Developed by Xiao Liang Yu xiaoly@comp.nus.edu.sg