


This repo is the image manipulation demo of "Self-Supervised Scene De-occlusion".

<img src="manipulation.gif" width=500>

For further information, please contact Xiaohang Zhan.


  1. Clone the repo, install dependencies.

    git clone https://github.com/XiaohangZhan/deocclusion-demo
    pip install PyQt5, opencv-python
  2. Run the demo.

    python main.py
  3. Interactions.

    • Click Open to open an image from decomposition/image_*.png.
    • Click De-occlusion to load decomposed components.
    • Use mouse to drag objects.
    • Mouse right click to change ordering or save the object.
    • Click Show Objects to show each object in order.
    • Click Reset to reset to the original status.
    • Click Insert and open an image from materials to insert it.
    • Push Up or Down arrow button to zoom out or zoom in the object.
    • Push Left or Right arrow button to rotate the object.
    • Click Save As to save the re-composed image.
  4. Try new images.


There are still some bugs. Since I have no time to fix them, you are welcome to raise pull request to fix them. The bugs are below: