


This is the Julia bindings for the fst format (http://www.fstpackage.org) although the format was originally designed to work with R it is language independent.

How to use

Install the package via the julia package manager:

]add FstFileFormat

or press ] to enter pkg mode

pkg> add FstFileFormat

Then use it to read and write fst files:

using FstFileFormat
using DataFrames

# install the R fst package if not already installed
if !fst_installed()

df = DataFrame(col1 = rand(1:5,1_000_000),
    col2 = rand(1:100, 1_000_000),
    col3 = rand(Bool, 1_000_000))

# df can be any object that DataFrames.DataFrame(df) can make into a DataFrame
# any IterableTables.jl compatible table like object is supported
FstFileFormat.write(df, "df.fst")

# compression = 100; the highest
FstFileFormat.write(df, "df.fst", 100)

# read the metadata

# read the data

# read some columns
FstFileFormat.read("df.fst"; columns = ["col1", "col2"])

# read some rows
FstFileFormat.read("df.fst"; from = 500, to = 1000)

# read some columns and rows up to 1000
FstFileFormat.read("df.fst"; columns = ["col1", "col2"], to = 1000)

# read some columns and rows from 500
FstFileFormat.read("df.fst"; columns = ["col1", "col2"], from = 500)

# read some columns and rows from 500 to 1000
FstFileFormat.read("df.fst"; columns = ["col1", "col2"], from = 500, to = 1000)

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