

CMOTB Evaluation ToolKit

[English] [中文版]


The CMOTB evaluation toolkit consists of three parts: Easy Set, Hard Set, and Joint Set, located in the Easy, Hard, and Joint subfolders respectively. The evaluation methods for each subset are identical. The following tutorial uses one of these subsets as an example:

  1. Place the evaluation result files in the same directory and name the folder after the tracker's name.
  2. Put the result folder in the tracking_results directory.
  3. Configure the tracker results to be tested in utils/config_tracker.m.
  4. Run PlotPR.m / PlotNPR.m / PlotSR.m to obtain the evaluation results for the corresponding metrics.

To evaluate results for specific attributes, you can modify all_dataset.txt in utils/config_sequence.m to attribute_name.txt, where attribute_name is the specific attribute you want to evaluate. CMOTB includes the following attributes:

Attribute nameDefinition
FOFull Occlusion
POPartial Occlusion
SVScale Variation
FMFast Motion
CMCamara Motion
IVIllumination Variation
TBTarget Blur
BCBackground Clustering
SIOSimilar Interferential Object
LRLow Resolution
ARCAspect Ratio Change
VCViewpoint Change
MAModality Adaptation
MMModality Mutation
MDModality Delay

If you need to evaluate modality switch times separately, you can modify all_dataset.txt in utils/config_sequence.m to the following filenames:

FilenameSwitch Time
sw4.txt$\ge 4$