


JADE is BASIC-like syntax to program C++, using header file.

(Jade's A Developing Experiment)

JADE consists of a C++ include file with Defines/Macros, and a library of Functions that seeks to provide an easier way of creating C++ code.

This is a proof of concept using a BASIC-like syntax to program C++.

For the list of current Keywords, see the Keywords file

For the Function prototypes, see the Prototypes file

You can regenerate both files by compiling and running the included generate-keywords.cc file.

Building the Library

To build the library, a simple make in the source folder is all that is required.

To build the Examples, change directory to the Examples folder and type make.

How to link to the library

You have two choices:

  1. If you used the make install option, you can link to the library with -ljade
  2. The seccond approach requres you to pass the location of the jade.h and the libjade.a file to g++, like so:

g++ -std=c++11 -I<path to jade.h> -L<path to libjade> -ljade

Note: You MUST compile using -std=c++11 or higher.

What does coding with JADE look like?

#include <jade.hpp>

    VAR MyArray = SPLIT("pear,cranberry,orange,apple,carrot,banana,grape,peaches,tangerines",",");


    FOR (VAR item IN MyArray) DO 

Compile it with:

g++ -std=c++11 sorttest.cc -ljade -o sorttest

"What if I don't want to retype the entire g++ command every time I compile..."

For simple one-off compilation, I created a Bash Function that I added to my ~/.bash_profile (on my Mac) and ~/.bashrc (On my Linux box) that looks like this:

function jade() { 
    g++ -std=c++11 "$@" -ljade -o "${1%.*}"

So I can invoke the compilation of the demo above like so:

jade sort_test.cc

NOTE: Any additional linker options need to be placed AFTER the primary filename, including any additional files or libraries.

Let me know if you have any questions/comments.

You can post your questions/comments at: JADE Sub-Forum on allbasic.info