

KiCad Third-Party Tools

A curated list of third-party tools to be used in conjunction with the KiCad open-source electronics design automation suite.

NOTE: The entries on this page were contributed by the originators/maintainers of these tools. As such, the list is going to be incomplete. Go here for a larger table of KiCad utilities that is automatically extracted from the repositories on Github. Tools will be automatically included in this table if they include the terms "KiCad" and "utility" or "plugin" in their Github repository description.

Table of Contents

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Schematic Tools

Schematic Entry Tools

Symbol Library Tools

BOM Tools

PCB Layout Tools

Footprint Library Tools

Layout Tools

3d Model tools

Manufacturing Output Tools

Version Control Tools

Half-Baked Tools

If you have an interesting tool that's not quite ready for prime-time, post it here! Maybe someone else can move it forward or use it as a starting point for their own tool.


These are libraries/packages/modules that can help when creating tools like the ones listed above.


These are handy guides for using KiCad and related tools.



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