


This is a repository of KiCad schematic symbol libraries:

But I Don't Like How the Symbols Look!

OK, people are picky. Maybe even more picky when they're getting something for free. (There's probably a psychology paper in there, somewhere.)

The good thing is: you can change these schematic symbols! Obviously you can modify any individual symbol using the KiCad schematic symbol editor. But you can also make library-wide changes using the kipart utility as follows:

  1. Use the kilib2csv utility to convert one or more of the libraries into a CSV file.
  2. Open the CSV file as a spreadsheet and reorder the pins, change pin types, assign pins to different units, etc.
  3. Finally, run kipart on the modified CSV file to create your own custom library.
  4. Bask in the glory of your own originality.

Some of the schematic symbols in these libraries have changed! If you previously downloaded and used a library, you may find a newer version has differences like rearranged pins. Including a changed library in an existing schematic could cause errors! Either checkout the library that corresponds to the one you've already been using (look at the check-in dates), or verify that the symbols from the new library attach to the correct nets in your schematic.