

<div align="center"> <h2>Diffusion-Based Adversarial Sample Generation for Improved Stealthiness and Controllability [NeurIPS'2023]</h2>

Haotian Xue <sup>1, Alexandre Araujo <sup>2, Bin Hu <sup>3, and Yongxin Chen <sup>1

<sup>1</sup> GaTech, <sup>2</sup> NYU, <sup>3</sup> UIUC



Diff-PGD utilizes strong prior knowledge of Diffusion Model to generate adversarial samples with higher steathiness and controllability. Diff-PGD has the following edges:



:star: [2023-09-21] Diff-PGD is accepted by NeurIPS 2023!

:star: [2023-09-21] Accelerated version (v2) can be now used

:star: [2023-06-03] We release the code!

:star: [2023-05-25] Our paper is released: https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.16494


  1. Creat conda env using env.yml:
conda env create -f env.yml
  1. Activate conda env:
source activate diff-pgd
  1. Download [DM checkpoint] and put them into ckpt/

  2. Prepare imagenet dataset, and in code/dataset.py:17, replace it with:


Run Global Attack

Here we provide an example to run gobal attack for imagenet val set:

python code/attack_global.py

or you can import Attack_Global from code/attack_global.py to build your customized settings:

Attack_Global(classifier, device, respace, t, eps, iter, name, alpha, version, skip)

[classifier]:                                       target classifier to attack
[device]:                                                        device, gpu id
[respace]                              diffusion model accelerator, e.g. ddim10
[t]                                                      reverse step in SDEdit
[eps]                                                       l_inf budget of PGD
[iter]                                                 iterations number of PGD
[name]                                                          name of the exp
[alpha]                                                        step size of PGD
[version]                base version v1, v2 is a faster version to be released 
[skip]                                                 skip interval of dataset

Run Regional Attack

Here we provide an example to run gobal attack for imagenet val set:

python code/attack_region.py

similarly, we have the settings as:

Attack_Region(classifier, device, respace, t, eps, iter, name, skip, ratio):

[classifier]:                                       target classifier to attack
[device]:                                                        device, gpu id
[respace]                              diffusion model accelerator, e.g. ddim10
[t]                                                      reverse step in SDEdit
[eps]                                                       l_inf budget of PGD
[iter]                                                 iterations number of PGD
[name]                                                          name of the exp
[alpha]                                                        step size of PGD
[skip]                                                 skip interval of dataset
[ratio]                   ratio for masked square region, size ratio*H, ratio*W

Run Style-based Attack

We provide some examples of style-based adversarial attack (mostly from AdvCAM official repo) in data/advcam, include target image, style reference image and segmentation masks.

In the code example code/attack_style.py, we define some scenes like ['tra4', 'tra1', 'tra5', 'tra6', 'leaf', 'car', 'lamp', 'car'], we also encourage users to define their own stlye-based attack settings.

python code/attack_style.py

the core function has settings like:

Attack_Region_Style(exp_name, classifier, device, respace, t, eps, iter, name):

[exp_name]:                       defined name of example, e.g. tra5, tra4, car
[classifier]:                                       target classifier to attack
[device]:                                                        device, gpu id
[respace]                              diffusion model accelerator, e.g. ddim10
[t]                                                      reverse step in SDEdit
[eps]                                                       l_inf budget of PGD
[iter]                                                 iterations number of PGD
[name]                                                          name of the exp

Run Physical World Attack

We provide some physical world attack data in data/our_dataset, including background and pathes in the paper:

to run example code:

python code/attack_physics.py

core function and settings for computer mouse as an example:

Attack_Physics(mode='diff-pgd', bkg_name='computer_mouse', patch_name='apple', classifier='resnet50', device=0, respace='ddim10', t=2, target=None, c_w=1, s_m=0.01, iter=4000, name='attack_physics')

Some other useful code descriptions

Cited as:

  title={Diffusion-Based Adversarial Sample Generation for Improved Stealthiness and Controllability},
  author={Xue, Haotian and Araujo, Alexandre and Hu, Bin and Chen, Yongxin},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.16494},