


An obscenity detection and filtering library for Elixir, freely inspired by the obscenity gem.


Add Expletive as a dependency to your project mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:expletive, "~> 0.1.0"}]


All Expletive functions expect a configuration to be passed:

config = Expletive.configure(blacklist: ~w[very bad words])

Expletive.profane?("this is bad!", config)
# => true
Expletive.profane?("perfectly safe", config)
# => false

Expletive.profanities("this is bad, so BAD!", config)
# => ["bad", "BAD"]


The library offers a fairly wide variety of profanity replacement strategies which can be defined at configuration time or passed explicitly.

Expletive.sanitize("this is bad, so BAD!", config)
# => "This is $#!@%, so %$@!#!"

Expletive.sanitize("this is bad, so BAD!", config, :stars)
# => "This is ***, so ***!"

Expletive.sanitize("this is bad, so BAD!", config, :vowels)
# => "This is b*d, so B*D!

Expletive.sanitize("this is bad, so BAD!", config, ":poop:")
# => "This is :poop:, so :poop:!

Expletive.sanitize("this is bad, so BAD!", config, {:repeat, "-"})
# => "This is ---, so ---!

Expletive.sanitize("this is bad, so BAD!", config, :keep_first_letter)
# => "This is b**, so B**!

Expletive.sanitize("this is bad, so BAD!", config, {:keep_first_letter, "-"})
# => "This is b--, so B--!


If you wish to allow some words present in the blacklist, you can add exceptions to a whitelist at configuration time:

config = Expletive.configure(blacklist: ~w[very bad words], whitelist: ~w[words])

Expletive.profane?("words", config)
# => false

Built-in blacklists

The library comes with a couple of word lists ready to use:

config = Expletive.configure(blacklist: Expletive.Blacklist.english)

Expletive.profane?("this is batshit crazy!", config)
# => true

config = Expletive.configure(blacklist: Expletive.Blacklist.international)

Expletive.profanities("ceci n'est pas une pipe", config)
# => ["pipe"]

Known Limitations

I18n concerns

A couple of replacement strategies (:vowels and :nonconsonants) are currently limited to the english language.