

Elm Gamepad

Standard Gamepad

This library allows you to use game controllers aka gamepads in your Elm web app.

Important: to avoid fingerprinting, the browser won't make gamepads visible until they are touched by the user!

To use this library you need to manually add a port. You can use the one provided in port/. See Adding Ports below.

Browser gamepad support is very inconsistent and varies wildly with the browser, the browser version, the operative system and the installed gamepad drivers: this means that many gamepads can be reliably used only after remapping.

If you have never used the library before, Gamepad.Simple will manage the remapping tool for you. If you need more control of how the remapping tool is summoned or how the user-created settings are persisted, you will need to use Gamepad.Advanced instead.

The language of the text in the remapping tool will be translated according to navigator.languages.

import Gamepad exposing (Gamepad)
import Gamepad.Simple
import GamepadPort

type alias PlayerControl =
    { playerId : Int
    , isFiring : Bool
    , speed : Float

type alias Model =
    { controls : List PlayerControl }

init : Model
init =
    { controls = [] }

type Msg
    = OnAnimationFrame Gamepad.Simple.FrameStuff

gamepadToPlayerControl : Gamepad -> PlayerControl
gamepadToPlayerControl gamepad =
    { playerId = Gamepad.getIndex gamepad
    , isFiring = Gamepad.isPressed gamepad Gamepad.A
    , speed = Gamepad.value gamepad Gamepad.LeftX

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
    case msg of
        OnAnimationFrame { gamepads, timestamp, dt } ->
            updateOnGamepad dt gamepads model

updateOnGamepad : Float -> List Gamepad -> Model -> Model
updateOnGamepad uncappedDt gamepads model =
        dt =
            -- Always cap, in case the page is hidden
            -- and refresh stops for a while
            min 200 uncappedDt

        controls =
            List.map gamepadToPlayerControl gamepads
    { model | controls = controls }

main =
        { onAnimationFrame = OnAnimationFrame
        , onBlob = GamepadPort.onBlob
        , saveToLocalStorage = GamepadPort.saveToLocalStorage
        , controls = Gamepad.Simple.basicControls
        { init = init
        , view = view
        , update = update

Known Issues

Adding ports

The ports required by elm-gamepad are no different than any other Elm port.

You can see how they are wired in in the example's index.html.

The ready-to-use port code is in port/:

<script type="text/javascript" src="gamepadPort.js"></script>
  var elmApp = Elm.Main.init();