

⭐ Argo ⭐

Local Agent platform with generative AI models and tools to make AI helpful for everyone.

Prerequisites about hardware 🐳

Before installing Argo, make sure your machine meets the following minimum system requirements:

To enable CUDA in Docker, you must install the Nvidia CUDA container toolkit on your Linux/WSL system.

Quick start with Mac and Windows

Download, Click and Install.

Quick start with Docker 🐳

Recommend Ollama model: glm4 for chat, shaw/dmeta-embedding-zh for Knowledge of chinese.

# Usage: {run [-n name] [-p port] | stop [-n name] | update}
# default name: argo
# default port: 38888

# Download image, create a container and start
sh argo_run_docker.sh run

# Stop the container (data will be retained)
sh argo_run_docker.sh stop

# Update the image to the latest version (the original image will be deleted)
sh argo_run_docker.sh update

Free to join us and talk: https://discord.gg/79AD9RQnHF

Let's make Argo even more amazing together! 💪

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