


This is a repository for building the subresource_filter_tools part of The Chromium Project.

Currently supported are builds for both Linux and Windows on the x64 architecture. These scripts also run without problems on Ubuntu on WSL, which means that you can also run both the Windows and Linux part on a Windows 10 machine.

You should run this on a SSD of sufficient size (because you'll end up with ~700k files that are ~22GB in size per OS, so basically twice that).

Scripts for Linux

Scripts for Windows

Please note that in both cases the initial download takes at least 30 minutes. The build is also quite slow. It might take about an hour or longer to download and build.


These tools allow generating custom ad block filters for browsers that support it, such as Bromite (Android).

I needed some of these tools for my related project, but couldn't find any recent precompiled binaries. If you want some AdBlock filter lists for Bromite and possibly other browsers, see the filtrite project.

How to use

See this page <sup>GitHub Mirror</sup> to find out how to use these tools.

If you want to use them for Bromite, check out this page for a nice guide.


ruleset_converter --input_format=filter-list \
	--output_format=unindexed-ruleset \
	--input_files=easyprivacy.txt,easylist.txt \


You can either head over to the releases section of this repository or click this direct link for Linux or this direct link for Windows to get the latest release.

These releases are built by GitHub Actions every month, so they should be up to date.


The License applies to the files published in this repository. It probably does not apply for releases, as they are a product of work others have done. Also see the Chromium license