


conc-map-bench uses the bustle benchmarking harness. This is a port of the well regarded libcuckoo benchmark.


The benchmark measures performance under varying load conditions. This is done because a map suitable for one workload may not be suitable for another.

Read Heavy

A read heavy model with few inserts, removals and updates. Models caching of data in places such as webservers and disk page caches.

read   98%
insert  1%
remove  1%
update  0%


Insert and remove heavy model that replicates a scenario where the map is used to exchange data.

read    10%
insert  40%
remove  40%
update  10%

Rapid Grow

An insert heavy model that replicates load in a scenario where the map is used to gather large amounts of data under a short burst.

read    5%
insert 80%
remove  5%
update 10%

How to run it?

mv results results.bk


Machine: Apple M1 Pro (2021 14-inch MacBook Pro)

OS: macOS 14.5

See the results/ directory.

Read Heavy (std hasher)

Exchange (std hasher)

Rapid Grow (std hasher)

Read Heavy (ahash)

Exchange (ahash)

Rapid Grow (ahash)