TSID (Time-Sorted ID)
- Implementation of Snowflake ID.
- Migrated from my previous project.
- Inspired by:
- Vlad Mihalcea and his posts:
- f4b6a3 and their series of UUID implementations, particularly their TSID implementation.
- Snowflake ID from X (formerly known as Twitter)
- Discord's Snowflake implementation
TSID (Time-Sorted ID) is a type of ID that balances well between the look of the UUID and its ability to support indexing for the database.
Its value is a long
value (64-bit signed integer) and consists of three parts, in order:
- 42-bit of timestamp (one sign bit + 41 timestamp bits), which is the difference between the epoch (customizable) and the ID's creation time. The timestamp is in milliseconds.
- 10-bit representation of the node or machine that generates the ID. This reduces the ID's collision across the multi-node system (i.e., microservices, etc.).
- 12-bit sequence for cases when multiple IDs are generated in the same millisecond. The starting of the sequence is securely randomized.
The String form of the Tsid is in Crockford's Base32.
import io.x4ala1c.tsid.Tsid;
import io.x4ala1c.tsid.TsidConfiguration;
import io.x4ala1c.tsid.TsidGenerator;
public static void main(String[] args) {
final TsidGenerator generator = TsidGenerator.globalGenerator();
final Tsid simpleId = generator.generate();
// Or, alternatively, generate straight from TsidGenerator.
final Tsid quickId = TsidGenerator.globalGenerate();
// Customized configuration.
final TsidConfiguration configuration = TsidConfiguration.builder()
final TsidGenerator customGenerator = TsidGenerator.generator(configuration);
final Tsid customId = customGenerator.generate();
// Quick generator from the thread.
final TsidGenerator threadGenerator = TsidGenerator.threadGenerator();
final Tsid threadId = threadGenerator.generate();
Use Tsid
import io.x4ala1c.tsid.Tsid;
import io.x4ala1c.tsid.TsidGenerator;
import java.util.Objects;
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Tsid id = TsidGenerator.globalGenerate();
// As long value.
final long longValue = id.asLong();
// As Crockford's Base32 String.
final String stringValue = id.asString();
// By default, toString() returns the same as asString();
final boolean toStringIsTheSame = Objects.equals(stringValue, id.toString()); // true
Spring/Spring Boot
Due to incompatibility between @Id
and @Convert
, we have to implement a workaround.
import io.x4ala1c.tsid.Tsid;
import jakarta.persistence.Convert;
import jakarta.persistence.Embeddable;
import jakarta.persistence.EmbeddedId;
import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
public final class ExampleEntity {
private ExampleId id;
public ExampleEntity() {
public ExampleEntity(ExampleId id) { = id;
public static final class ExampleId {
@Convert(converter = TsidConverter.class)
private Tsid id;
public ExampleId() {
public ExampleId(Tsid id) { = id;
// Getters/Setters...
// Getters/Setters...
import io.x4ala1c.tsid.Tsid;
import jakarta.persistence.AttributeConverter;
import jakarta.persistence.Converter;
@Converter(autoApply = true)
public class TsidConverter implements AttributeConverter<Tsid, Long> {
public Long convertToDatabaseColumn(Tsid attribute) {
if (attribute == null) {
return null;
return attribute.asLong();
public Tsid convertToEntityAttribute(Long dbData) {
if (dbData == null) {
return null;
return Tsid.fromLong(dbData);
- The workaround solution.
- The issue in JPA project. Hopefully, this becomes a reality.
- The documentation on
. Currently, it is not allowed to be accompanied by@Id
The first project in my journey to find meaning.
I was browsing Vlad's blogs (and he posts very often on LinkedIn) when I encountered myself in his talk about using UUID in a database.
I was, and still am, a big fan of said ID. I kinda hate the notion of non-fixed-length integer-based IDs.
And before I noticed, I have dived deeper into the rabbit hole of database IDs. Cool.
So, inspired by Vlad's implementation of TSID, and later on the series from f4b6a3, I created my own implementation.
At first, I hosted this project on my main GitHub account here.
But things go awry in my personal life.
So yeah, I migrated the previous project into x4ala1c
I also plan to migrate two other projects into this collection, so stay tuned, I guess.
While I was running the tests using mvn verify
, an error related to the use of reflection popped up:
Cannot access Java runtime internals to modify environment variables. Have a look at the documentation for possible solutions:
This was due to some of my test uses JUnit Pioneer to modify the environment's and system's variables.
Accessing the link, I found out that from java 9 and on, warnings related to "illegal reflective operation" would be displayed. Java 17 and above would instead throw an error.
The article by Baeldung explains in details why this happened.
Since this only happened during testing, the plugin responsible was the maven-surefire-plugin
one. But if Java 8
allows reflective access, then how could this error happen?
And well, after 2 hours of debugging, the problem was simple: I have multiple JDKs on my system. Since my JAVA_HOME was set to JDK 21, the reflective warnings were expected.
So, I had to either set my JAVA_HOME back to 8, which was not ideal, because many of my projects used JDK version 17 or above, or...
<!-- Set up surefire so that if the tests are run in jdk > 1.8, then adding args to disable reflection errors. -->
--add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED
I can define which versions I want to run the cmd args, thanks to this specification by Maven.
The args are taken from either the Baeldung's article above, or from JUnit Jupiter's recommendation for dealing with reflective warnings.
But why did I have to specify the version to be above 8? Couldn't I just apply the args straight to surefire?
Technically, yes. But when I explicitly applied the args for all cases, then my IDE just refused to run the tests:
Unrecognized option: --add-opens
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
Yes, my IDE ran the tests in Java 8, while my Maven ran them in Java 21. Cool.
- I just found out
added my previous project as one of the implementations, so I want to send my happy thank-you to them. - And Vlad, for dumping out tons of crazy Java blogs.
- This project is licensed under MIT License.
- The license also included the one from f4b6a3, since they inspire this project.