

OpenSSL-for-iOS Build Status license OpenSSL version iOS support tvOS support MacCatalyst support

This is a script for using self-compiled builds of the OpenSSL-library on the iPhone. You can build apps with Xcode and the official SDK from Apple with this. I also made a small example-app for using the libraries with Xcode and the iPhone/iPhone-Simulator.

Enjoy OpenSSL on the iPhone!

You must build the OpenSSL-Libraries (1.1.1w) before running the sample with:


For other versions build the OpenSSL-Libraries with:

./build-libssl.sh --version=1.1.1k

For all options see the help

./build-libssl.sh --help

This repository contains an iOS 16.0 Xcode Project which uses the OpenSSL Libraries. The examples uses the MD5 or SHA256-algorithm to calculate an md5 or sha256 hash from an UITextfield.

System support

iOS 12.0 - iOS 16.6 (x86_64 , arm64, arm64e bitcode), tvOS 12.0 - tvOS 16.6 (x86_64, arm64, bitcode), WatchOS 8 and MacCatalyst 15.6 (MacOSX_x86_64) are currently supported.

For iOS < 7.0 you must use Xcode < 7 and an older version of the build script. For iOS < 12.0 you must use Xcode < 11 and an older version of the build script.

If you have problems building for arm64 please uninstall MacPorts (see #28).

Original tutorials for this project:
