RCX - Rclone for Android
A cloud file manager, powered by rclone.
Cloud Access | 256 Bit Encryption<sup>1</sup> | Integrated Experience |
<img src="" alt="Cloud Access" width="144" /> | <img src="" alt="256 Bit End-to-End Encryption" width="108" /> | <img src="" alt="Integrated Experience" width="132"/> |
Use your cloud storage like a local folder. | Keep your files private on any cloud provider with crypt remotes. | Don't give up features or comfort just because it runs on a phone. |
- File Management (list, view, download, upload, move, rename, delete files and folders)
- Streaming (Stream media files, serve files and directories over FTP, HTTP, WebDAV or DLNA)
- Integration (Access local storage devices and share files with the application to store them on a remote)
- Many cloud storage providers (all via rclone config import, some without)
- Material Design (Dark theme, custom primary and accent colors)
- All architectures (runs on ARM, ARM64, x86 and x64 devices, Android 7+)
- Storage Access Framework (SAF) (see docs) for SD card and USB device access.
Manage Storage | Upload Files | Explore Files | Manage Files |
Grab the latest version of the signed APK and install it on your phone. You can also register for the closed Google Play testing group, the Google Play Beta, or on F-Droid.
CPU architecture | Where to find | APK identifier |
ARM 32 Bit | older devices | armeabi-v7a |
ARM 64 Bit | most devices | arm64-v8a |
Intel/AMD 32 Bit | some TV boxes and tablets | x86 |
Intel/AMD 64 Bit | some emulators | x86_64 |
If you don't know which version to pick use rcx-<version>-universal-release.apk
. Most devices run ARM 64 Bit, and 64 Bit devices often can also run the respective 32 bit version at lower performance. The app runs on any phone, tablet or TV with Android 7 or newer, as long as you have a touchscreen or mouse.
Known Issues
- Reauthorization of OAuth remotes shows intermittent failures. This is currently under investigation.
About this app
This app is released under the terms of the GPLv3 license. Community contributions are licensed under the MIT license, and CLA Assistant will ask you to confirm a CLA stating that if create a PR.
This is a fork of rcloneExplorer by Patryk Kaczmarkiewicz. For the original repository, see kaczmarkiewiczp/rcloneExplorer. If you want to convey a modified version (fork), we ask you to use a different name, app icon and package id as well as proper attribution to avoid user confusion.
- rclone - Calling this a library is an understatement. Without rclone, there would not be RCX. See to support rclone.
- Jetpack AndroidX
- Floating Action Button SpeedDial - A Floating Action Button Speed Dial implementation for Android that follows the Material Design specification.
- Glide - An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling.
- MarkdownJ - converts markdown into HTML.
- Material Design Icons - 2200+ Material Design Icons from the Community.
- Recyclerview Animators - An Android Animation library which easily add itemanimator to RecyclerView items.
- Toasty - The usual Toast, but with steroids.
- Icons from Flaticon courtesy of Smashicons and Freepik