

WinSock Packet Editor 网络封包拦截器


WinSockPacketEditor is a Windows software that can intercept and modify WinSock packets. It adaptively supports 32-bit and 64 bit target programs, and has functions such as batch sending and advanced filters. C #'s multithreading and message queue technology were used in development, and more than 10000 packets were intercepted without freezing or exiting. The software fixes bugs and updates periodically, and supports online automatic updates every time it is launched. We welcome valuable feedback to improve and enhance together. Thank you!


本软件使用了微软的VS2022集成开发环境,.NET Framework 4.8开发框架,以及ClickOnce部署资源。每次版本更新后,都会在启动程序时自动下载最新版本。如果更新服务器不可用,也不会导致程序无法使用。当然,如果您不希望自动更新,也可以在启动时手动关闭自动更新,或者直接下载离线打包版使用。

Download and Install

This software uses Microsoft's VS2022 integrated development environment NET Framework 4.8 development framework, as well as GTK deployment resources. After each version update, the latest version will be automatically downloaded when the program is launched. If the update server is unavailable, it will not cause the program to be unusable. Of course, if you do not want automatic updates, you can manually turn off automatic updates at startup or download the offline packaged version directly for use.

在线安装版(支持自动在线更新) Online installation version (supports automatic online updates)


离线打包版(不支持自动在线更新) Offline packaged version (does not support automatic online updates)


使用说明 Instructions
