

<h2 align="center"> <a href="https://katie.qa"><img src="https://github.com/wyona/katie-backend/blob/main/src/main/webapp/assets/img/katie_logo.svg"/></a> (Backend) </h2>


<strong>Katie</strong> is an Open Source AI-based question-answering platform that helps companies and organizations make their private domain knowledge accessible and useful to their employees and customers.

<strong>Katie</strong> is integrated with Discord, Slack, MS Teams, Matrix, E-Mail, Wordpress and TOPdesk, and also provides a web interface for expert users.

<strong>Katie</strong> can be connected with all your applications and data repositories, like for example Websites, Confluence, SharePoint, OneNote, Outlook, Supabase, Directus, Discourse, etc.

<strong>Katie</strong> is based on state of the art AI and supports embedding and large language models of your choice.

By default, <strong>Katie</strong> uses Apache Lucene for full text and vector search, but it also integrates with Weaviate, Elasticsearch, Azure AI Search, etc.


To pull the most recent Katie image from Docker Hub (with prefix /katie or for Mac M1 or higher) and run Katie locally, please follow the steps below


The <strong>Katie</strong> backend webapp is based on Spring Boot and to build and run locally in a terminal you need

Build and Run from Command Line

Optionally you can run Katie with an outgoing proxy configuration enabled (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/net/proxies.html)

IntelliJ (Ultimate)

Make sure you have Lombok configured


In case startup fails, then delete the .idea directory and the file askkatie-webapp.iml, and reopen the project.

Eclipse (Version: 2022-06 (4.24.0))

Run Katie within Tomcat

Generate Katie Docker image and run Katie Docker container

Or as another alternative run:

sh pull-down-up.sh

whereas make sure to configure VOLUME_KATIE inside the script accordingly.

Docker using Tomcat

Connect Katie Docker with an Embedding Service Docker

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                       NAMES
5b0cddb97d32   embedding_server      "docker-entrypoint.s…"   17 minutes ago   Up 17 minutes>3000/tcp, :::3000->3000/tcp   bold_ride
29ef347da530   wyona/katie:1.365.0   "java -jar /app.war"     20 minutes ago   Up 20 minutes>8080/tcp, :::8044->8080/tcp   katie

API and Testing API

Database / Flyway

Create / migrate Database on startup of Katie web app

When running Katie as Docker


Backup and restore h2 database:

Access database from command line (WARN: Might not work properly when database is already in use by server, either stop server or make a copy and connect with copy)

When you encounter an error like "Migration checksum mismatch for migration version 28.3", then the reason is that the migration script src/main/resources/db/migration/V28_3__alter_question_table.sql has been modified, for example because the script comment at the top got updated. If this modification is not relevant, then you can fix the database by replacing the previous checksum (Applied to database) by the new checksum (Resolved locally)

and the startup should work again.

Update Angular Frontend

Enable Google Analytics

Create Release

Update the version in the following files:

Elasticsearch 6.6.1

Basic configuration: src/main/resources/application.properties

Implementation: src/main/java/com/wyona/katie/handlers/ElasticsearchQuestionAnswerImpl.java

List all indices https://elasticsearch-vt.wyona.com/_cat/indices Get all hits of a particular index: E.g. https://elasticsearch-vt.wyona.com/askkatie_1b3805a8-84db-452d-ae00-b13755686d30/_search

Slack App

You can add the official Katie Slack App to your Slack workspace by clicking on the button "Add to Slack" on the page https://app.katie.qa/slack.html

The official Katie Slack App is configured at https://api.slack.com/apps/A0184KMLJJE (Workspace https://wyonaworkspace.slack.com)

If you want to create and use your own custom Slack App in order to connect with the Katie backend, then follow the instructions below:

Update configuration parameters inside volume/config/slack-apps.json

Config values of your App

Update Slack App configuration

Slack Katie App Manifest (https://app.slack.com/app-settings/T01848J69AP/A0184KMLJJE/app-manifest):

<pre> _metadata: major_version: 1 minor_version: 1 display_information: name: Katie description: Katie is a question answering bot, continuously improving, self-learning and trained by humans. background_color: "#000000" long_description: Katie answers questions using artificial and natural intelligence, whereas Katie is currently not intended for conversations beyond asking one question at a time. Natural conversations are much more complex than just detecting duplicated/similar questions. Simple dialogs with clear intents, such as for example a restaurant reservation or initiate a phone call, work quite well already, but more complex conversations are much more difficult and users become frustrated and will eventually stop trying to have more complex conversations. features: app_home: home_tab_enabled: true messages_tab_enabled: false messages_tab_read_only_enabled: false bot_user: display_name: katie always_online: false slash_commands: - command: /katie url: https://app.katie.qa/api/v1/slack/command/katie description: Get help on how to use Katie should_escape: false oauth_config: redirect_urls: - https://app.katie.qa/api/v1/slack/oauth2-callback/SLACK_CLIENT_ID scopes: user: - im:history bot: - channels:history - chat:write - commands - im:history - incoming-webhook - team:read settings: event_subscriptions: request_url: https://app.katie.qa/api/v1/slack/events user_events: - message.im bot_events: - message.channels - message.im interactivity: is_enabled: true request_url: https://app.katie.qa/api/v1/slack/interactivity message_menu_options_url: https://app.katie.qa/api/v1/slack/options-load org_deploy_enabled: false socket_mode_enabled: false token_rotation_enabled: false </pre>

MS Teams App

Also see https://app.katie.qa/ms-teams.html

Open Developer Portal https://dev.teams.microsoft.com/apps