

MMCD Multi-Model Contrastive Diffusion

Codes, datasets and appendix for AAAI-2024 paper "A Multi-Modal Contrastive Diffusion Model for Therapeutic Peptide Generation"

Overview of MMCD


The repository is organized as follows

Run code

For how to run MMCD, we present an example based on the AMP dataset, which could be easy extend to other peptide datasets.

  1. Download the AMP dataset with fasta files for sequences and pdb files for structures. Then place the files in the specified folder. Due to the large amount of training data required for the model, we upload the source data to Google cloud drive with the resource link (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PmUFzdTlxFoEcODHqyWPgwJmG4B01lEG/view?usp=drive_link)
  1. Training for diffusion model with the AMP dataset
python train.py --n_max_epochs 500 --n_timestep 1000 --out_checkpoint_dir data/output/MMCD