

[ICCV 2023] ExposureDiffusion: Learning to Expose for Low-light Image Enhancement

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Welcome! This is the official implementation of the paper "ExposureDiffusion: Learning to Expose for Low-light Image Enhancement".


(2023.8.08): The training and testing codes are released

(2023.7.14): 🎉 Our paper was accepted by ICCV 2023



<p align="center"> <img src="./images_github/intro.png" width="60%" /> </p>

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Please install the packages required by ELD.

Besides, you may need to download the ELD dataset and SID dataset as follows


For the training of models with the UNet backbone:

# For the training of P+g noise model (results in Table 2, 3, 4, 5)
python3 train_syn.py --name sid_Pg --include 4 --noise P+g --model eld_iter_model --with_photon --adaptive_res_and_x0 --iter_num 2 --epoch 300 --auxloss --continuous_noise --adaptive_loss

# For the training of P+G+r+u noise model, i.g., ELD noise model (results in Table 4, 5)
python3 train_syn.py --name sid_PGru --include 4 --noise P+G+r+u --model eld_iter_model --with_photon --adaptive_res_and_x0 --iter_num 2 --epoch 300 --auxloss --concat_origin --continuous_noise --adaptive_loss

# For the training of the model based on real-captured paried data (results in Table 4)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python3 train_real.py --name sid_real --model eld_iter_model --with_photon --adaptive_res_and_x0 --iter_num 2 --epoch 300 --auxloss --concat_origin --adaptive_loss

For the training of the models with NAFNet backbone (results in Table 5):

# NAFNet with P+g noise model
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 train_syn.py --name sid_Pg_naf2 --include 4 --noise P+g --model eld_iter_model --with_photon --adaptive_res_and_x0 --iter_num 2 --epoch 300 --auxloss --continuous_noise --adaptive_loss --netG naf2

# NAFNet with ELD noise model
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 train_syn.py --name sid_PGru_naf2 --include 4 --noise P+G+r+u --model eld_iter_model --with_photon --adaptive_res_and_x0 --iter_num 2 --epoch 300 --auxloss --concat_origin --continuous_noise --adaptive_loss --netG naf2

Pre-trained models

You can download the pre-trained models from google drive, which includes the following models


For the evaluation of models, you shall use the same hyper-parameters (i.e., the same usage of --concat_origin ) with the training ones. For example, if you want to evaluate the performance of the models based on NAFNet, you shell use the following commands

# Test of the ELD+NAFNet model
python3 test_ELD.py --model eld_iter_model --model_path "the path of the ckpt" --include 4 --with_photon --adaptive_res_and_x0 -r --iter_num 2 --netG naf2 --concat_origin

# Test of the Pg+NAFNet model
python3 test_SID.py --model eld_iter_model --model_path "the path of the ckpt" --include 4 --with_photon --adaptive_res_and_x0 -r --iter_num 2 --netG naf2

For the evaluation of ELD dataset, we just keep the other settings the same, and only change the file name from test_SID.py to test_ELD.py. For example, the command to evaluate the performance of the UNet model trained on real data is as follows

python3 test_SID.py --model eld_iter_model --model_path checkpoints/sid_real/model_300_00386400.pt --concat_origin --adaptive_res_and_x0 --with_photon -r --include 4

To evaluate the effect of different inference steps, you can change the value of --iter_num (default: 2). You can get a similar result as the following one where we evaluate the quality of the predicted clean image of each step

<p align="center"> <img src="./images_github/iter.png" width="70%" /> </p>


<p align="center"> <img src="./images_github/different_noise_models.png" width="65%" /> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="./images_github/different_bacbones.png" width="65%" /> </p>


If you find our code helpful in your research or work please cite our paper.

  title={ExposureDiffusion: Learning to Expose for Low-light Image Enhancement},
  author={Wang, Yufei and Yu, Yi and Yang, Wenhan and Guo, Lanqing and Chau, Lap-Pui and Kot, Alex C and Wen, Bihan},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.07710},


The purpose of the use is non-commercial research and/or private study.


This work is based on ELD and PMN. We sincelely appreciate the support from the authors.


If you would like to get in-depth help from me, please feel free to contact me (yufei001@ntu.edu.sg) with a brief self-introduction (including your name, affiliation, and position).