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A Tensorflow implementation of CapsNet based on paper Matrix Capsules with EM Routing


  1. With configuration A=32, B=8, C=16, D=16, batch_size=128, the code can work on a Tesla P40 GPU at a speed of 8s/iteration. The definitions of A-D can be referred to the paper.
  2. With configuration A=B=C=D=32, batch_size=64, the code can work on a Tesla P40 GPU at a speed of 25s/iteration. More optimization on implementation structure is required.
  3. Some modification and optimization is implemented to prompt the numerical stability of GMM. Specific explanations can be found in the code.
  4. With configuration A=32, B=4, D=4, D=4, batch_size=128, each iteration of training takes around 0.6s on a Tesla P40 GPU.

Current Results on smallNORB:

Ablation Study on smallNORB:

Current Results on MNIST:

Ablation Study on MNIST:

To Do List:

  1. Experiments on smallNORB as in paper is about to be casted.

Any questions and comments to the code and the original algorithms are welcomed!!! My email: zhangsuofei at njupt.edu.cn


pip install -r requirement.txt


Step 1. Clone this repository with git.

$ git clone https://github.com/www0wwwjs1/Matrix-Capsules-EM-Tensorflow.git
$ cd Matrix-Capsules-EM-Tensorflow

Step 2. Download the MNIST dataset, mv and extract it into data/mnist directory.(Be careful the backslash appeared around the curly braces when you copy the wget command to your terminal, remove it)

$ mkdir -p data/mnist
$ wget -c -P data/mnist http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/{train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz,train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz,t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz,t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz}
$ gunzip data/mnist/*.gz

To install smallNORB, follow instructions in ./data/README.md

Step 3. Start the training(MNIST):

$ python3 train.py "mnist"

Step 4. Download the Fashion MNIST dataset, mv and extract it into data/fashion_mnist directory.(Be careful the backslash appeared around the curly braces when you copy the wget command to your terminal, remove it)

$ mkdir -p data/fashion_mnist
$ wget -c -P data/fashion_mnist http://fashion-mnist.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/{train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz,train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz,t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz,t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz}
$ gunzip data/fashion_mnist/*.gz

Start the training(smallNORB):

$ python3 train.py "smallNORB"

Start the training(CNN baseline):

$ python3 train_baseline.py "smallNORB"

Step 4. View the status of training:

$ tensorboard --logdir=./logdir/{model_name}/{dataset_name}/train_log/

Open the url tensorboard has shown.

Step 5. Start the test on MNIST:

$ python3 eval.py "mnist" "caps"

Start the test on smallNORB:

$ python3 eval.py "smallNORB" "caps"

Step 6. View the status of test:

$ tensorboard --logdir=./test_logdir/{model_name}/{dataset_name}/

Open the url tensorboard has shown.
