


<p align="left"> <img src="assets/logo.jpg" width="150"> </p> <p align="left"> <img src="assets/fold.gif" width="200"> </p>

This is not just a regular simulator but a DIFFERENTIABLE simulator!

PyTorch code for End-to-end differetiable molecular simulations. More docs and tutorials are comings. This repo is under heavy development, your contribution is very much welcomed.

<p align="center"> <img src="assets/rdf_inv.png" width="350"> </p>

Install packages

I highly recommend creating a dedicated conda environment via:

conda create -n mdgrad python=3.8

Download and install

git clone https://github.com/torchmd/mdgrad.git
cd mdgrad
conda activate mdgrad
pip install -r requirements.txt # I have tested this, it should work 
pip install -e . # -e is useful if you want to edit the source code


Wang, W., Axelrod, S., & Gómez-Bombarelli, R. (2020). Differentiable Molecular Simulations for Control and Learning. https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.00868

<p align="center"> <img src="assets/schematic.jpg" width="400"> </p>

This repo features the following demos:

  1. Differentiable folding of a polymer

  2. Learning interactions from observables (pair correlation function, velocity auto-correlations)

  3. Quantum isomerization of a minimal retinal model

# Define a box of particles 
L = 1.6 
atoms = FaceCenteredCubic(symbol='H', size=(3, 3, 3), latticeconstant=L, pbc=True)

# use System to wrap ase.atoms
from torchmd.system import System 
device = 'cuda:0'
system = System(atoms, device=device)

# Define interactions 
from torchmd.potentials import ExcludedVolume
pair = PairPotentials(system, ExcludedVolume, **{'epsilon': 1.0,  'sigma': 1.0,"power": 12}, cutoff=2.5).to(device)

# Define simulation
from torchmd.md import NoseHooverChain
integrator = NoseHooverChain(model, 

sim = Simulations(system, integrator)

# Simulate 
v_t, q_t, pv_t = sim.simulate(steps=50, frequency=50, dt=0.01) #v_t: velocity  q_t: position  pv_t bath: variables

# Compute observable 
obs = rdf(system, nbins=100, r_range=(0.75, 2.5))
_, _, g = obs(q_t)

# You will find out g can be backpropagated for gradient cumulation, give it a try!


End-to-End Fitting for Macroscopic/Coarse-Grained Observable

Backpropagating through the trajectory to train a GNN that reproduces a target pair distribution function. We demonstrated the fitting of water rdf (Oxygen-Oxygen) at 298k with differentiable simulations

<p align="center"> <img src="assets/water_gnn_rdf_298k.gif" width="300"> </p>

Controllable Fold for polymer chain

Folding a polymer with Graph Neural Networks

<p align="center"> <img src="assets/fold.gif" width="300"> </p>

Quantum Isomerization

We fit electric field to optimize efficiency of a quantum isomerization process for retinal molecule

<p align="center"> <img src="assets/quantumyield.gif" width="300"> </p>